Western School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group progress report
The School IPM Work Group Principal Investigators –University of Arizona - Dawn Gouge, Al Fournier, Jennifer Snyder –Paul Baker-University of Arizona –Carrie Foss-Washington State University –Tim Stock – Oregon State University –William Lanier-Montana State University Funded by the Western IPM Center
“Application of an IPM implementation program in ten school districts spanning seven states averaged 71% reduction in pesticide applications and a 78% reduction in pest complaints.” Gouge, D. H., M. L. Lame, and J. L. Snyder American Entomologist. 52 (3):
Why aren’t there more School IPM programs? Rely upon competitive funding In the West, may be outcompeted by agriculture Lack of resources, financial and technical Lack of awareness
Purpose of Work Group Facilitate multi-organizational collaborative partnerships – less duplication of efforts Identify innovative funding sources Identify effective IPM implementation strategies and barriers to IPM adoption
How is the work group going to do this? Form a work group Identify regional needs Discuss the potential for developing standards Assess existing school IPM implementation tools
The School IPM Work Group Arizona - Dawn Gouge, Al Fournier, Jennifer Snyder, Paul Baker, Paul Cardosi Washington – Carrie Foss, Jack Marlowe, Karl Arne Oregon – Tim Stock, Laura Weiss, Sarah Leverette Montana – William Lanier Nevada – Jon Carpenter Utah – Gregg Smith California – Lyndon Hawkins, Thomas Babb, William Currie Colorado – Assefa Gebre-Amlak EPA – Sherry Glick, Karl Arne, Mary Grisier IPM Institute of North America – Tom Green
Inventory of School IPM Programs Laws and Regulations Resources Program Narratives School IPM Annual Report Cards
Inventory of School and Child Care IPM Laws and Regulations Indoor Posting Outdoor Posting Pre- notification Reentry requirements beyond label Minimal applicator training 1 IPM law or rule Product restrictions or green list other AZsc v 2 sc CAsc v COns MTsc v NV OR UTs WAsc 1 Information from Beyond Pesticides (October 2006) 2 Emergency pesticide applications restricted to Caution label or exempt products
School IPM Resources Arizona ToolAgency/OrgSourceDescription Semi-annual meeting Arizona Children’s Environmental Health Coalition University of AZ Urban IPM staff Agendas, meeting notes, PowerPoint presentations, etc Annual WorkshopArizona Children’s Environmental Health Coalition University of AZ Urban IPM staff Agenda, activities, notes, feedback, etc. “Pest Press” Newsletter University of AZ (UA) OnlineBi-monthly IPM newsletter for school staff Urban IPM Website UAHttp://cals.arizon a.edu/extension/n ew_urbanipm/ IPM in school & child care implementation resources
School IPM Program Narratives Washington, for example History – School IPM implementation since 1990’s; Urban Pesticide Initiative July 2003 Pesticide Posting and Notification Law for Public Schools and Daycares Urban Pesticide Education Strategy Team – School IPM website IPM in Schools Working Group STAR certifications at two school districts; another assessment scheduled summer 2007
Annual School IPM Report Card Assessment tool being used for Pest Management Strategic Plan on School IPM Questions include: –About how many staff FTE are committed to school IPM at the state level? –About how many districts have a designated IPM Coordinator? Data table generated: number of school districts, schools and students by state
Inventories will be used for… Posting on participant websites –including National School IPM Website – University of Florida Template for Southern School IPM Work Group Listed as a regional/national school IPM outcome Referenced/used as leverage in grant applications
Results?? Better organization, better communication –CSREES Coordinating Committee Sharing resources, saving $$$, filling the gaps Finding more money Healthier schools!!
Face-to-Face Meeting Portland, OR September 24, 2007 Will include a visit to the Portland School District For more information about the School IPM Work Group, contact Jennifer Snyder or Dawn Gouge