Electronic communication and social networks
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Electronic communication and social networks
What are ECTs? Brief History of the Internet Access to the Internet Debates about ECTs and community
What are electronic communication technologies? Cell phones (and text messaging) Web-browsing How different from earlier technologies? Eg., telegraph, telephone, fax
Brief History of the Internet 1969 ARPANET Sponsored by the Pentagon Decentralized network (no single hub) Surprise: Used primarily for personal messaging
History continued 70s and 80s: linked networks (.gov,.mil,.edu.,.com,.org,.net) 1989: WWW developed 1990s: development of web browsers (gopher Mosaic, Netscape) allow for image viewing 1998: Google arrives 2005: YouTube debuts
Penetration of computing in US Households
Cell phone subscribers
Why no access?
Debate about the impact of ECT Theorists have always worried that technology will destroy community Why? Technology will break down local bonds, isolating individuals from one another. Mechanisms: Reduce social contact with kin, friends, etc. Disengage with local neighborhood Reduce involvement in civic affairs, voluntary organizations
Benefits of community: Companionship Support Access to information A sense of belonging A means of aggregating and expressing hopes and grievances
3 Questions: Does the internet weaken community? Because people replace in-person relationship with time spend online and out of the public realm? Does the internet transform community? Is a new online ‘virtual community’ emerging that allows people to participate in trans-local communities, freed of the bonds of geography? Does the internet enhance community? By adding new forms of communication with which to sustain relationships?