1 Pertemuan 4 Contoh model e-Business Matakuliah: H0292 / E-Business Tahun: 2005 Versi: v0 / Revisi 1
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memberikan contoh tentang model e- bisnis
3 Outline Materi Contoh Studi Kasus Penerapan B2B –Case Study of Customer-Oriented Market Place : Trading Process Network (TPN), Post in General ElectricCustomer-Oriented Pembahasan Studi Kasus Penerapan B2B: –Case Study of Supplier-Oriented Market Place : CISCO Connection OnlineSupplier-Oriented –Case Study of Intermediary-Oriented Market Place: Boeing’s PARTntermediary-Oriented –Just-In-Time Delivery: Fed Express InterNetShipJust-In-Time Delivery Tugas / Evaluasi
4 Studi Kasus : Penerapan B2B Customer-Oriented Market Place: GE’s TPN Post Supplier-Oriented Market Place: CISCO Connection Online Intermediary-Oriented Market Place : Boeing’s PART Just-In-Time Delivery: Fed Express InterNetShip
5 Trading Process Network (TPN) Post in General Electric General Electric (GE) Factories at GE Lighting division used to send hundreds of Requisitions For Quotations (RFQs) to the corporate sourcing department each day for low- value machine parts. For each requisition, the accompanying blueprints had to be requested from storage, retrieved from the vault, transported to the processing site, photocopied, folded, attached to paper requisition forms with quote sheets, stuffed into envelopes and mailed out. This process took at least 7 days and was so complex and time- consuming that the sourcing department normally sent out bid packages only to two or three suppliers at a time. –Its purchasing was inefficient, involved too many administrative transactions –GE is conducting electronic bids, no paperwork
6 Case Study of Customer-Oriented Market Place: GE’s TPN Post Provides a chance for sellers to participate in the bidding process of GE using the following procedure: –Buyers prepare bidding project information –Buyers post the bidding projects on the Internet –Buyers identify potential suppliers –Buyers invite suppliers to bid on projects –Suppliers download the project information from the Internet –Suppliers electronically submit bids for projects –Buyers evaluate the suppliers’ bids and negotiate online to achieve the ‘best deal’ –Buyers accept the bid that best meets their requirements
7 The benefits of joining GE TPN Post - As buyers Identify and build partnerships with new suppliers worldwide Strengthen relationships and streamline sourcing processes with current business partners Rapidly distribute information and specifications to business partners Transmit electronic drawings to multiple suppliers simultaneously Cut sourcing cycle times and reduce costs for sourced goods Quickly receive and compare bids from large number of suppliers to negotiate better prices - As Sellers Boost Sales Expand market reach Cut costs for sales and marketing activities Shorten the selling cycle Improve sales productivity Streamline the bidding process Case Study of Customer-Oriented Market Place: GE’s TPN Post (cont.)
8 –60%of the staff involved in procurement have been redeployed. The sourcing department has at least 6-8 free days a month to concentrate on strategic activities rather than on paperwork, photocopying and envelope stuffing it had to do when the process was manual. –Labor involved in procurement declined by 30%. At the same time, materials costs declined 5%-20% due to the ability to reach a wider base of suppliers online. –It used to take days to identify suppliers, prepare a request for bid, negotiate a price and award the contract to a supplier. It now takes days. –With the transaction handled electronically from beginning to end, invoices are automatically reconciled with purchase orders, reflecting any modifications that happen along the way. –GE Procurement departments across the world now share information about their best suppliers. Benefits of using TPN Trading Process Network (TPN) Post in General Electric (cont.)
9 Tugas/Evaluasi Pembahasan Studi Kasus Penerapan B2B: –Case Study of Supplier-Oriented Market Place : CISCO Connection OnlineSupplier-Oriented –Case Study of Intermediary-Oriented Market Place: Boeing’s PARTntermediary-Oriented –Just-In-Time Delivery: Fed Express InterNetShipJust-In-Time Delivery