House Ways and Means Higher Education, Technical, and Cultural Budget Subcommittee Wednesday, January 24, 2007 Dr. Andrew A. Sorensen, President University of South Carolina System
2 Mission The primary mission of the University of South Carolina, a multi-campus public institution serving the entire state of South Carolina, is the education of the state's diverse citizens through teaching, research and creative activity, and service.
3 The University of South Carolina is a publicly-assisted coeducational institution dedicated to serving the entire state of South Carolina. The University offers more than 350 degree programs, including baccalaureate degrees in 124 areas, 5 programs of study for associate degrees, master's degrees in 175 areas, doctoral degrees in 63 areas, and professional degrees in law, medicine, and pharmacy. Enrollment on all campuses totals over 40,000. Of these, over 27,000 students are on the Columbia Campus, some 32 percent of whom are enrolled in graduate and professional programs. USC Overview
4 USC Campuses Flagship Institution: USC Columbia Senior Campuses USC Aiken USC Beaufort USC Upstate Regional Campuses USC Lancaster USC Salkehatchie USC Sumter USC Union
5 USC System Enrollment Fall 2006 Headcount USC Columbia 27,390 USC Aiken 3,380 USC Beaufort 1,386 USC Upstate 4,608 USC Lancaster 1,195 USC Salkehatchie 883 USC Sumter 1,088 USC Union 363 University Total Headcount 40,293
6 USC System State Economic Impact The USC campuses have over 215,000 living alumni, more than half of whom remain in South Carolina Alumni have a $2.3 billion annual impact on the state By creating a vibrant, knowledge-based community, USC is a powerful engine for creating high paying jobs and raising per capita income throughout the state Source: Moore School of Business Division of Research
7 Grant Funding USC received $173.3 million in funding for research, public service, and training projects in fiscal year , a 32% jump over Research The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has designated the University of South Carolina as an institution of “very high research activity” USC is one of 62 public and 32 private research institutions—and the only university in South Carolina—to earn the distinction Fund Raising Private gifts were $52.3 million in fiscal year , an increase of 29.44% over Scholarships and Fellowships University students have won 322 national awards earning approximately $9 million for advanced academic study since Included are Marshall, Rhodes, Truman, NSF, Fulbright, Goldwater, Madison, Cooke, and Javits Scholars among others. During the academic year, our students received 43 awards and more than $1.3 million USC Columbia Highlights
8 The University of South Carolina is the state flagship university with the highest percentage of African- American student enrollment in the nation. Research by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education shows African-American students made up 15% of USC's enrollment in 2004, the latest year available. The JBHE also ranks USC eighth in the nation in percentage of African-American faculty at a state flagship university. The Moore School of Business undergraduate international business program (fall 2006) is ranked No. 1 in the nation and No. 1 among public universities for its graduate international business program (spring 2006) The Wall Street Journal and Harris Interactive's joint business school rankings list the Moore School at No. 49 nationally and No. 7 worldwide in international business in fall 2006 The Princeton Review's 2005 ranking of institutions of higher education, The 357 Best Colleges, ranked Carolina as the top public university for academics in the Southeast USC's School of Law is ranked in the top 100 in U.S. News and World Report's rankings of American law schools (spring 2006) The Arnold School of Public Health's Ph.D. program in health education is ranked in the top 10 nationally The master's program in the College of Nursing is ranked No. 58 in the nation USC's doctoral program in school psychology is ranked No. 3 in the nation University 101 programs for freshmen ranked in the category “Programs to Look For” School of Library and Information Studies program in school library media ranked No. 2 and health librarianship ranked No.8 (spring 2006) USC's Pediatrics Residency Program graduates score 3 rd in the nation on the Pediatrics Board Exam, according to the American Board of Pediatrics USC Columbia Highlights
9 USC's key research initiatives - nanoscience and technology, health sciences, future fuels, and the environment—will be focused in a unique new intellectual Ecosystem known as Innovista. This environment will be designed to stimulate ground-breaking research, join public and private sector researchers and provide fertile ground for commercial businesses. The initial economic impact of Innovista is estimated to be $430 million. Carolina's future will be shaped by three separate blocks that will house the first phase of the University's research initiatives which will cover 5 million square feet and will cost $141.2 million. A second phase could include two new buildings in Columbia and one each on the campuses of the Greenville Hospital System and the Medical University of South Carolina, USC's research partners. Innovista
10 Research Centers of Economic Excellence The goal of the centers program is to recruit world-class researchers through the establishment of endowed professorships at South Carolina’s three research universities: USC, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), and Clemson University. These universities are working collaboratively to bring top talent to the state and drive the engine that will power the state’s economy. This unique incentive program, which establishes partnerships with private sector and state funds, enables USC, MUSC and Clemson to hire top professors whose work can spark economic development and improve the quality of life of all South Carolinians. Working closely with the General Assembly and the Governor, USC is securing nationally eminent scholars in order to sustain the strong legislative commitment to the Centers of Excellence programs.
11 The University of South Carolina was among several universities cited as an "up and comer" in the November 10, 2006 edition of The Wall Street Journal. Titled "Beyond Berkeley," the article about the increasing selectivity of state universities, cited the university for improving the caliber of students and academic offerings. "With a strong business school and designated by the Carnegie Foundation as an institution of very high research activity (its highest classification), the university has seen applications rise 57 percent over the past decade," the article stated. According to the Wall Street Journal, more students are recognizing the value and outstanding education that they can get at a state university, and are passing up private schools, including Ivy League institutions, for state schools where they can get a great educational bargain. “... At the University of South Carolina's Columbia campus, average combined SAT scores of incoming students were 61 points higher last year than five years earlier. Its acceptance rate fell to 63% from 76% in 1995, while the number of students admitted increased by nearly 2,000.” - The Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal Cites USC as ‘up and comer’
12 USC received nearly 14,000 applications for the Fall 2006 class SAT score is a record high with an average of 1171, an increase of 6 points over Fall 2005 Of the South Carolina residents, 98.5% receive state scholarship aid Students are from 40 states, the District of Columbia and 14 foreign countries The 2006 freshman class includes: 32 National Merit, National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholars 67 Valedictorians 336 Palmetto Fellows 1,678 Life Scholars 312 Honors College students 552 Capstone Scholars 16 sets of twins Fall 2006 Freshman Class
13 Fall 2006 Headcount Enrollment Undergraduate 18,362 Graduate 7,302 Professional Medicine – MD 731 Pharmacy 377 Law School 709 Total USC Columbia 27,065 Degrees Award FY 2006 Associate 5 Baccalaureate 3,082 Post-Baccalaureate 53 First Professional 392 Masters 1,263 Specialist 34 Doctorate 164 Total USC Columbia Degrees Awarded 4,996 Student Profile Minority Male Female Undergraduate19.89% 46% 54% Graduate 27.48% 32% 68% First Professional 14.79% 46% 54% Faculty Professor 452 Associate 338 Assistant 290 Librarian 62 Part-time 549 Other 311 Total USC Columbia Faculty 2002 USC Columbia Statistics Top Five States (by enrollment) South Carolina North Carolina Georgia Virginia Maryland
14 Faculty Excellence Initiative The Faculty Excellence Initiative (FEI) is targeting the recruitment of new tenure/tenure-track faculty members to the University of South Carolina for six years. Begun in , this program responds to strategic initiatives that will advance the national profile of USC. USC received new state appropriations of $4,000,000 for FY2007. Additional state funding requested for FY2008: $4,800,000 – Recurring Freshwater Environmental Initiative This research will provide for K-12 research collaborations as well as undergraduate and graduate research opportunities. Funds are required to support project leaders, staff, graduate assistants, transportation, laboratory supplies, and field trips for K-12 students. USC received recurring funding of $500,000 and non-recurring funds of $1,500,000 for FY2007. Additional state funding requested for FY2008: $1,500,000 – Recurring OneCarolina OneCarolina is the University's multi-year initiative to replace its outdated administrative computing applications, including Student Information Systems, Finance, Sponsored Programs and Human Resources into one easily- accessible, Web-based system. Additional state funding requested for FY2008: $3,032,920 - Recurring SC Lightrail (SCLR) The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education has submitted a request on behalf of the three research institutions for $4.5 million for funding of the SC LightRail. SCLR is envisioned as a broadband, high-speed optical network that will link research partners Clemson University, Medical University of South Carolina, and the University of South Carolina with their hospital partners: Greenville Hospital System, Spartanburg Regional Health System, Palmetto Health, and the MUSC Hospital Authority. SC LightRail is a critical component of an economic development plan focused on building the knowledge economy. Additional state funding requested for FY2008: $1,500,000 - Non-Recurring USC Columbia – Funding Request for FY2008
15 The USC School of Law is the only fully accredited state supported legal education program in the State of South Carolina. It is essential for the University to have an adequate facility suited to the technological and instructional needs of current and future students of law. The existing law school facility was constructed in 1970 and contains asbestos as well as insufficient facilities to accommodate the changing educational needs. The proposed new facility will contain approximately 250,000 gross square feet of state-of-the art space with generous student study areas, an ample and computerized library, and enhanced classrooms with complete audio and video capabilities. The facilities will provide several moot courtrooms for realistic training of future attorneys, an auditorium and other areas for smaller meetings. USC School of Law - Capital Project Request Estimated total funding: $65 million Funding received to date from State: $10 million Projected funding requirements, CIB request: $20,000,000
16 Gibbes Green – Capital Project Request The Gibbes Green area on the University campus houses a number of historic facilities at Carolina. Sloan College and Calcott College have been restored. With this current request, complete renovations of the Petigru and LeConte Colleges can be undertaken. This space, when renovated, will be the home of the College of Mass Communications and Information Studies’ School of Journalism. Estimated total funding: $61 million Funding received to date from CIB: $9.9 million Projected funding requirements, CIB request: $20,000,000
17 The Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina is consistently ranked among the best in the nation. The University proposes to address a variety of program needs with the addition of a graduate studies building of 50,000 square foot addition on the north side of the building renovating the rest of the facility. The new facility will provide new graduate school space, with the undergraduate program filling in the space vacated by the graduate school. Graduate building addition:$20.7 million Gift and Institutional funding:$10.7 million Projected funding requirements, CIB request:$10,000,000 Moore School of Business–Capital Project Request
18 FTE Positions The University of South Carolina is requesting additional FTE slots in order to successfully complete the Faculty Excellence Initiative and respond to steadily increasing enrollment across the USC system. This year 151 new faculty were added in Columbia, along with 65 new faculty in the senior institutions at Aiken, Beaufort, and Upstate, and another 18 new faculty in our regional campuses at Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, and Union. Parity Funding A high priority goal is to annualize the FY non-recurring operating funds for parity to the senior and regional institutions. Law School 4% Fee Waiver USC requests that Proviso which allows the USC Law School to award fee waivers to law students of no more than 4% be codified. USC Funding Request for FY2008
19 Centers of Economic Excellence The University of South Carolina supports retaining the full $30,000,000 in funding from the Education Lottery for the endowed chairs program. One Voice, One Plan USC supports the One Voice, One Plan request from the South Carolina Hospital Association to alleviate the nursing shortage in the state. This request will provide funding for faculty to increase the output of nurses, stimulate new teaching methods and will also provide scholarships, grants and loans for nursing students. The initial request is for $11,417,000 in recurring funds. EPSCoR USC supports an increase for the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research to fund the IDeA program – Institutional Development Awards. Currently EPSCoR is funded by state appropriations totalling $1,942,536. An increase to $3,000,000 is requested to enable EPSCoR to become more competitive in securing federal research funds. These research funds aid the growth of South Carolina’s knowledge-based industries. USC Funding Request for FY2008
20 USC Senior Campuses The Senior Campuses at Aiken, Beaufort and Upstate have a combined enrollment of over 9,300 students and have an economic impact of over $252 million and provide 3,656 jobs. These three campuses receive local funding from their counties of over $3.8 million annually. In , the Senior Campuses received approximately $4.7 million in grant funding. In August 2005 the USC Beaufort South Campus opened the first building of its on-campus student apartment complex and welcomed residential students for the first time, including students from as far away as Ohio and Pennsylvania and as nearby as Hilton Head Island and Estill. This housing is the result of a public-private partnership. With the addition of the South Campus buildings, new faculty, and approval of eight degree programs, USC Beaufort has experienced the third consecutive year of double-digit enrollment growth. Dr. Thomas Hallman, Chancellor Dr. Jane T. Upshaw, Chancellor USC Aiken offers more than 30 degree programs and majors to 3,380 students and is ranked number one among public, comprehensive colleges in the South for 2007 by U.S. News & World Report. Beyond academic offerings, USC Aiken has established partnerships with its community. The Ruth Patrick Science Education Center supports math and science programs in eighteen school districts and since its opening, over 350,000 persons have participated in its programs. USC Aiken has just hired Global Spectrum to manage its Convocation Center, set to open in April This multi- purpose facility was built with a combination of state, local county, private and university resources and will be a major source of programs for the community. Dr. John C. Stockwell, Chancellor USC Upstate was one of thirteen winners among 168 applicants for a Federal HUD grant from the Community Outreach Partnership Program to lead a team of community agencies in Spartanburg community initiatives. In addition to its community outreach initiatives, the University has developed several new academic programs that compliment its metropolitan mission, including the Engineering Technology Management Program. USC Upstate leads all ten of the State's teaching sector universities in transfer activity among the technical system and regional campus institutions, a consequence of the institution's model work in developing articulation agreements with lower division campuses.
21 USC Aiken - Highlights Ranked the Top Public Comprehensive College in the South in 2007 by U.S.News & World Report. Marks the ninth consecutive time USC Aiken has been ranked in the top three. Undergraduate Headcount of 3,241 Students Graduate Headcount of 139 Students Total FTE Enrollment of 2, % Minority Enrollment 8.4% Out-of-State Students 14.7 Student Faculty Ratio USC Aiken students come from: 46 counties in South Carolina 29 states 20 foreign countries More than 500 degrees awarded annually Offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees with the largest number of graduates in business, education, and nursing Hold highest accreditation for 3 professional schools and graduate program in psychology Economic impact exceeds $100 million Emphasis on Community Partnerships including: Ruth Patrick Science Education Center Art, Music and Theatre Outreach to K-12 Students Cardiac Rehab Program through Wellness Center Lifelong Learning programs for Senior Citizens
22 Operating Funding Requests - $1,247,255 Annualization of FY non-recurring operating funds - $599,237 CHE Investment in Quality Outcomes - $648,018 Capital Project Request - $12,200,000 New Academic Center - $12,200,000 Will address critical classroom and office needs for academic programs in the humanities, social sciences and mathematics and house Academic Success Center. 50,000 sq ft, 2.5 story academic building Based on SCCHE CHEMIS data for Fall 2003 and Fall 2004, USC Aiken has the highest classroom utilization rate among public 4-year institutions. USC Aiken - Funding Request
23 USC Beaufort - Highlights Lottery Funding (05/06) Scholarships - $ 771,952 Technology - $ 294,054 Local Funding (05/06) Beaufort County Millage - $ 2,240,437 Jasper County Millage - $ 241,000 Grant Funding (05/06) $ 743,921 SACS accredited baccalaureate degrees Business Management Early Childhood Education English Hospitality Management Human Services Liberal Studies Biology Psychology Spanish History Nursing (to begin Fall 2007) FTE enrollment has increased over 47% since Fall FTE Tuition at USC Beaufort is the lowest of all public four-year institutions in South Carolina.
24 Operating Funding Requests - $706,666 Annualization of FY non-recurring operating funds - $502,175 CHE Investment in Quality Outcomes - $204,491 FY Below the Line Funding Requests Penn Center Early Childhood At-Risk Family Initiative - $210,240 Provide comprehensive child development and family support services to low income families (increase of $30,000) Pritchards Island - $270,000 Establish a learning laboratory on coastal ecology, beach re-nourishment, and the building of protective groins Capital Project Request South Campus Academic Building - $6,327,728 USC Beaufort – Funding Request
25 USC Upstate - Highlights Changes from 1995 to 2006 Total Headcount Increase 37% FTE Enrollment Increase 62% Full-time Students Increase 83% Minority Enrollment Increase 143% Student Population in 2006 South Carolinians94% Undergraduates99% Minority Group Members33% Males34% Females66% Full-timers83% LIFE scholarship Holders 988 First-time Freshmen for 2006 Average High School GPA3.58 Average SAT 1,015 Transfers for 2006 Technical Colleges Transfer 242
26 Operating Funding Requests - $2,811,354 Annualization of FY non-recurring operating funds - $1,877,675 CHE Investment in Quality Outcomes - $933,679 “Teaching Excellence” initiative -$933,679 Investing in additional faculty Advancing student persistence and graduation Upgrading learning environments Capital Project Requests - $21,800,000 Information Resources Complex/Library - $16.8 million SACS “recommendation” … provide expanded library $1 million in CIB previously received Preliminary design and program study complete Classroom and Student Support Renovation - $5.0 million Converts vacated spaces in old Library and other areas for classrooms, faculty offices and support services Also includes upgrades to the related building systems USC Upstate - Funding Request
27 USC Regional Campuses The Regional Campuses are primary University entry points for students who represent the first generation in their family to attend college as well as for adult learners who have decided that it is time for their own formal education. USC Sumter Dr. Les Carpenter USC Union Dr. Hugh Rowland USC Lancaster Dr. John Catalano USC Salkehatchie Dr. Ann Carmichael
28 USC Regional Campuses - Enrollment The four Regional Campuses serve over 3,500 students - 36% of these students are minority, 65% are women and 99% of students are from South Carolina. More than 50% of Regional Campus students attend school part-time as many hold jobs, serve in the military and/or have children.
29 USC Regional Campuses - Highlights USC Lancaster Fall 2006, enrolled largest freshman class in the history of USCL, a 10% increase over Fall graduates of the newly expanded nursing program had 100% passing rate on the SC State Board of Nursing exam Recruited a stellar group of new faculty in Fall 2006 to include PhDs from universities such as Duke, Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, DePaul, USC and North Texas Initiated a new program of Native American Studies and established ties to the Catawba Indians of South Carolina. A $10,000 Duke Power grant enabled the campus to sponsor a Native American Studies Week. USCL Educational Foundation exceeded $4,000,000 in total scholarship endowments Gregory Health and Wellness Center continues to maintain a membership of over 2,000 community members Bundy Auditorium was remodeled and the new Performing Arts Series started its first season Over $350,000 was gifted to the campus for the Richards Tennis Complex renovations Reinstatement of the men’s golf program USC Salkehatchie Awarded over one million dollars in grant funding and/or private support Developed an innovative approach in conjunction with the USC College of Nursing to address the nursing shortage in the rural Lowcountry that has the potential to be a model for the state and beyond. Received grant funding from The Duke Endowment through local hospitals to support local start-up costs. Celebrated 40th anniversary with a slate of activities which included an art and lecture series, exhibits, concerts, musical presentations, and an alumni dance Dr. Roberto Refinetti was a recipient of the Carolina Trustee Professorship Award for 2006 Dr. Arthur Mitchell was named one of the eight finalists in the Governor’s Professor of the Year competition The TRIO program staff hosted the first annual International Festival on campus, featuring several faculty as well as guest lecturers Reinstatement of the intercollegiate baseball program as well as the addition women’s softball, women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball Implemented the creation of a new science lab in newly-acquired facilities on the Walterboro campus
30 USC Regional Campuses - Highlights USC Sumter The 2006 Governor’s Professor of the Year, Dr. James Privett The establishment and first awarding of USC Sumter’s Outstanding Scholarship Award, an annual award to the outstanding faculty scholar/researcher Year long observances of the Sumter Campus’ 40th anniversary which included the second formal homecoming ceremonies in the history of the campus, a community-wide open house and the construction and dedication of Founders Grove Reinstatement of intercollegiate athletics after an absence of 27 years Re-introduction of dual enrollment and PACE courses at many area high schools including Sumter High School, Thomas Sumter Academy, Cardinal Newman, and Camden Military Academy Implementation of the USC Sumter Junior Scholars Program, a reward and motivational program for middle school students in the top 12% of their class Implementation of the USC Sumter Scholars Program, a reward and motivational program for high school seniors who are in the top 12% of their class USC Union Hired new Dean Year long observances of the campus’ 40th year anniversary that included celebrations such as Founders’ Day, Junior Scholars, Awards Day and Black History Celebration Began a dialogue with officials from the City of Union and Union County to address the needs of new industry moving into the Union County area. Based on these discussions, federal grant funds have been obtained to create an off-campus teaching site at a robotics center wherein USC Union will partner with Spartanburg Community College to deliver coursework and training to corporate employees.
31 Palmetto Programs are a new collaboration of campuses of the University of South Carolina system inspired by the Commonwealth College of Pennsylvania State University. It is comprised of faculties from the University’s four Regional Campuses and the Aiken, Beaufort, Columbia and Upstate campuses. In a cost-effective manner, it provides upper-division courses and select bachelor degrees at the regional campuses incorporating the collective faculties among the campuses which have been serving South Carolina for nearly half a century. The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies, offered via a combination of live and distance formats, will give students statewide access to a baccalaureate degree specific in its requirements while flexible enough to allow them a level of individual choice in curriculum design. This program has potential to enhance inter-institutional cooperation- especially with South Carolina’s Technical Colleges. Relationships that will result from this proposed program will make maximum use of existing institutional resources as personnel from the four Regional Campuses (in addition to Continuing Education in Columbia) will be combined to create a delivery mechanism far superior to its components individually. The BLS (120 hours) is comprised of general education (41-50 hours), a major option (36 hours), a cognate (12 hours), and electives (22-31 hours) and a choice of three major options. USC Regional Campuses
32 Operating Funding Requests - $1,525,172 Annualization of FY non-recurring operating funds - TOTAL $817,475 USC Lancaster $650,000 USC Salkehatchie $100,000 USC Sumter $51,269 USC Union $16,206 CHE Investment in Quality Outcomes – TOTAL $557,697 USC Lancaster $211,309 USC Salkehatchie $122,696 USC Sumter $161,688 USC Union $62,004 USC Regional Campuses – Funding Requests Below the Line Funding Request - $150,000 USC Salkehatchie Leadership Institute - $ 250,460 (Increase of $150,000)
33 USC Regional Campuses Summary of Capital Projects - Priority One Requests USC Lancaster Campus Renovations USC Salkehatchie Walterboro Classroom Building & Science Building Renovation USC Sumter Instructional Laboratories Building USC Union Facility Upgrades TOTAL USC Regional Campuses $ 4,110,000 $ 2,442,960 $ 11,825,000 $ 700,000 $ 19,077,960
34 USC System Summary – FY2008 Executive Budget Proposal Base funding reduction and elimination of FY2007 supplemental appropriations