HISPEC/DESPEC meeting GSI, 21/02/ Introduction: what happened recently (B.Rubio) 2. Beam quality: energy buncher (C.Brandau) 3. Layout of the cave (Ch.Scheidenberger) 4. New MoU 5. Electronics and data acquisition (J.Nyberg, I.Lazarus) 6. Individual detectors (2 slides/3-5 minutes each) 7. Any other business 8. Next meeting After : here! Products identification after the secondary target and beam tracking (D.Ackermann, D.Rudolph, I.Mukha, M.Gorska) Tomorrow: 9-12:30 theory seminar room DESPEC Ge meeting (A.Jungclaus) HISPEC/DESPEC simulation group (A.Algora)
Contract(s) Development Contract(s) Negotiations Closing PAC's PAC CORE STI Signing of MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU Phase II Governed by Contracts The ISC-FAIR International Working Groups MoU Technical Proposals / TR's LoI's (2100 authors) TDR's Evaluation by Advisory Committees by Mid March 05 Cost Review by CORE group by summer 05 Project Definition in 2005
By late autumn 2005 an updated Technical Design Report of the FAIR project needs to be prepared within given resource boundaries. To this end, the STI chair together with the FAIR project management have set-up Cost Review ( CORE ) groups, with the intent to help experiment collaborations and the accelerator teams to establish a cost book of components and to scrutinize the layout of each section of the accelerator facility, the detectors and experimental stations to fit into the financial framework of the FAIR Project. Recommendations of the STI Working Group on FAIR
CORE meeting 31June 2005 There are four comments, which apply to almost all the experiments: 1. The cost for fire safety of electronic racks should be included 2. All cost sums should be rounded to full kEuro. 3. Please make a statement, in case you have received offers fully corresponding to your requirements, which contradict our estimates. 4. The discussions on manpower at the CORE meeting were somewhat confusing. A clear statement is needed on: - what is the manpower available now - what is the amount of manpower missing Wulfrin Wartel to spokespersons HISPEC/DESPEC specific comments -The cost for the complete push-pull mechanism has to be included i.e. rails including installation, hydraulic pistons, cable chains The cost for installation, scaffolding, jigs and fixtures for detector assembly and maintenance as well as survey and long cabling (1.5 Euro/m/cable) and cable trays has to be added - The cost for local safety installations has to be added -Cost for a slow control system have to be included -The production cost for the Si(Li) and Ge detectors can only be maintained if the support from Juelich is guaranteed.
Answer to CORE comments
HISPEC/DESPEC Specific comments Part of the basic research program as defined by the CDR Part of the core experimental facility of FAIR yes A better structure and organisation for the development of the technically challenging instrumentation for slowed down beams must be presented. The effective manpower situation of HISPEC/DESPEC has to be clarified. STI to HISPEC/DESPEC spokespersons By late autumn 2005 an updated Technical Design Report of the FAIR project needs to be prepared, within given resource boundaries. To this end, the STI chair together with the FAIR project management have set-up Cost Review ( CORE ) groups, with the intent to help experiment collaborations and the accelerator teams to establish a cost book of components and to scrutinize the layout of each section of the accelerator facility, the detectors and experimental stations to fit into the financial framework of the FAIR Project. The experiment is approved, on the basis of the LOI and the TP, to work towards the TDR. The approval of the low energy part depends on the resolution of the open issues.
These estimations will be part of the FAIR COST book
v/c~0.5; multiplicity: 1-5 RISING AGATA demonstrator ( 1π ) + RISING (today) ~2010 Efficiency : 3% 10.5% (~15%) + ~3% FWHM: 20 keV 7.6 keV ~40 keV target-detector distance: 15 cm Much increased sensitivity compared to RISING Possibility of angular distribution and polarisation measurements, Coincidence measurements, g-factors (transient field method) Determination of source position (?) (target vs. degrader) Gamma-ray detection: AGATA
We would like to ask you to send us until December 15, 2005 the electronic file (word or Latex) of your collaborations Technical Report. This gives you about 2 months to re-edit the text, make necessary corrections and -if you see fit- to include the best drawings you have by now. In addition we would like to get from you separately a short executive summary (including key figures and the key science questions you are trying to answer) which we can use/include for forming the executive summary of FAIR, as the first Volume of the FAIR Report. Horst Wenninger Hans H. Gutbrod chair of FAIR STI FAIR coordinator Dear spokesperson, ….
The new technical report includes the reviewed cost, tracking and the possible alternative for the Ge array for DESPEC (Tigris type detectors)