Biochemistry Review Let’s check your understanding…
State the most frequently occurring chemical elements in living things.
State three other elements that are required by living things – albeit in smaller quantities…
What word means…”carbon based compounds produced by living things”?
Who am I?
Who Am I?
Which of the following DOESN’T belong? Glucose Lactose Galactose Fructose
Name that bond (at 4 and 5)!
Which of the following DOESN’T belong? Starch Cellulose Glycogen Sucrose
Which element is present in maltase but not maltose? Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Calcium
Name that sugar! used by ANIMALS for short term energy storage
Name that sugar! provides rigidity to plant cell walls
Name that sugar! Milk sugar
Name that reaction… Monosaccharide + Monosaccharide Disaccharide + Water
Name that reaction Amino Acid + Amino Acid Protein + Water
Name that reaction! Fat + Water 3 fatty acids + glycerol
Name that macromolecule class! Used for long term energy storage in animals, protection, buoyancy and insulation
Name that macromolecule class! Comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ONLY
Name that macromolecule class! Accounts for more than 50% of the dry mass of most cells.
Name that macromolecule class! The only thing the members of this group have in common is that they are all NONPOLAR (i.e. hydroPHOBIC) and are comprised chiefly of C, H, and O (sometimes P)
Name that macromolecule class!
Used for transport, protection, catalysts, cellular communications, defense against foreign substances **Should be able to NAME an example of each one…
The most bang for your buck, in terms of energy, comes from…