ORGC2410 Intercultural Communication Ringo Ma’s Home Page Ringo Ma’s Lecture Notes Office: CVA 914 Phone:
Communication Communication occurs when humans manipulate symbols to stimulate meaning in other humans. Communication is a social process in which meanings are negotiated.
Three Philosophies of Communication --Dean Barnlund Message-centered philosophy of communication (message production is emphasized) Speaker-centered philosophy of communication (message sending skills are emphasized) Meaning-centered philosophy of communication (only messages can be transmitted; meanings can’t)
Intercultural Communication in Various Contexts Intercultural communication is another dimension, interfaced with interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass communication. Degree of interculturalness in all communication contexts
RM 1 Understanding Intercultural Communication: An Introduction and Overview by Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter
The Importance of Intercultural Communication New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems Globalization of the economy Changes in immigration patterns
Communication & Culture Culture Communication Communication Culture Culture = Communication
Characteristics of Culture Culture is not innate; it is learned. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. Culture is based on symbols. Culture is ethnocentric.
The Elements of Intercultural Communication Perceptual elements –Values –Worldview –Social organizations Verbal behavior Nonverbal behavior