Examining Instruction, Part I Nov. 7, 2006
Plan for Today 4:10-4:15 Welcome and Overview 4:15-5:00 Tuning Protocol on Data Overviews 5:00-5:50 Observing Instruction Protocol on TIMSS 5:50-6:00 Break 6:00-6:40 Affinity Protocol on Problem of Practice 6:40-7:00 School Team Work
The Data Wise Improvement Process
Data Overviews Debriefing presentation is part of assignment we will give on Dec. 12 class. Soon after presentation, make notes to yourself about: what worked what didn’t what you would do differently next time.
Tuning Protocol Provides a structure for giving and receiving constructive criticism. Useful for collaboratively looking at student work, reviewing lesson plans, etc. Pages of The Power of Protocols describe this protocol in detail.
Tuning Protocol Steps 1. Appoint a timekeeper who will keep your group on track. 2. First presenter showcases data overview (or a salient portion). Other group members listen silently. 5 min. 3. Group members provide warm feedback while presenter listens. 2 min. 4. Group members provide cool feedback while presenter listens. 2 min. 5. Presenter responds and/or asks questions.3 min. 6. For each presenter, repeat steps 2-5. Free discussion can follow after all 3 rounds are finished.
Stating a Learner-Centered Problem A problem of understanding or skill that underlies students’ performance on assessments. Means that the problem is about learning (not that learners are the problem!) Pick one problem (although there will be many) that: is common to many students if solved, will help meet larger student learning goals
Examples of Learner-Centered Problems “ Students have trouble working independently to solve multi-step math problems.” “Students have trouble drawing text-based inferences when reading.”
Observing Instruction Protocol Overall Question: What do you see? Goal During Observation: collect evidence Goal During Discussion: limit discussion to evidence of what we see.
TIMSS Background Trends in International Math & Science Study Our video: Grade 8 Math class in U.S. Represents “modal” instruction in the U.S. Further information about TIMSS can be found at
Learner-Centered Problem for the School Featured in the TIMSS Video “Students lack a solid understanding of pre-algebra concepts.”
Watch TIMSS Video
The “Problem of Practice” Reframes the learner-centered problem by giving the student learning problem and the teaching related to that problem It determined through integration of both assessment and instructional data
The Problem of Practice Should: Include learning and teaching Be specific and fine-grained Be within your school’s control Be a problem that, if solved, will mean progress toward a larger goal
Learner Centered Problem
Assume that You observed a number of classrooms at the school in the video, and found many classrooms with similar math instruction.
Affinity Protocol Steps 1. Each person brainstorms (on sticky notes) why students may lack a solid grasp of pre-algebra concepts. Use what you saw in the video to help you. 4 min. 3. Group members put sticky notes on poster paper in no particular order 2 min. 2. Group members sort sticky notes into categories and write a name for each category using marker 8 min.
Homework assignment State a learner-centered problem based on your data Observe 60 minutes of instruction related to this problem, taking notes on Observation Protocol handout. Ideally: 3-4 different teachers Whole team observing together Each individual writes 1-page memo
One Page Memo describes: What you observed How your observations inform your understanding of the problem of practice
NOTE We appreciate the logistical challenge of planning observations… …so you do not need to meet as a team at your school next week.