Action Language: A Specification Language for Model Checking Reactive Systems Tevfik Bultan Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara
Initial Goal To develop an input language for a model checker that is based on following techniques: –[Bultan, Gerber, Pugh 97, 99] Using Presburger arithmetic constraints for model checking infinite state systems –[Bultan, Gerber, League 98, 00] Composite model checking: Model checking with type-specific symbolic representations (using Presburger arithmetic constraints and BDDs together) How about a broader perspective?
Model Checking Software Specifications [Atlee, Gannon 93] Translating SCR mode transition tables to input language of explicit state model checker EMC [Clarke, Emerson, Sistla 86] [Chan et al. 98] Translating RSML specifications to input language of symbolic model checker SMV [McMillan 93] [Bharadwaj, Heitmeyer 99] Translating SCR specifications to Promela, input language of automata-theoretic explicit state model checker SPIN [Holzmann 97]
Issues Addressed in These Studies Using abstractions and simplifications to avoid the state-space explosion problem –State-space explosion is the main weakness of model checking Expressing correctness properties in temporal logics Translation from a high level specification language –SCR, RSML, Statecharts to a lower level specification language –input language of the model checker: Promela, SMV
Language Translation Why should we have two languages? –User can make abstractions on the intermediate language –User can interact with various options of the model checker using the intermediate language –Separation of concerns Analogy: A programming language and instruction set of a microprocessor –Input language of the model checker is like an assembly language Reactive System Specification (Statecharts, RSML, SCR) Input Language of the Model Checker (Promela, SMV) Transition System Model Translation requires abstractions or simplifications Automated translation by the model checker
Revised Goal Develop a low level specification language for model checking The language should be able to “handle” different high level specification languages The language should expose the structure of the transition system model for interactive use of the model checker
Outline Model Checking –Symbolic model checking –Automata theoretic model checking Action Language –Actions: State Changes –Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Composition Translating Statecharts to Action Language Translating SCR to Action Language Conclusions and Future Work
Model Checking View Every reactive system –safety-critical software specification, –cache coherence protocol, –communication protocol, etc. is represented as a transition system: – S : The set of states – I S : The set of initial states – R S S : The transition relation
Model Checking View Properties of reactive systems are expressed in temporal logics Invariant(p) : is true in a state if property p is true in every state reachable from that state –Also known as AG Eventually(p) : is true in a state if property p is true at some state on every execution path from that state –Also known as AF
Model Checking Technique Given a program and a temporal property p: Either show that all the initial states satisfy the temporal property p –set of initial states truth set of p Or find an initial state which does not satisfy the property p –a state set of initial states truth set of p
Symbolic Model Checking Represent sets of states and the transition relation using Boolean logic formulas (and linear arithmetic formulas). Represent these formulas using an efficient data structure (such as BDDs) Using this data structures compute the truth set of temporal logic formulas: backward, or forward fixpoint computations
Automata-Theoretic Model Checking Represent the negation of the input temporal property as a Büchi automata Represent the transition system as a Büchi automata Take the synchronous product of these two automata If the language accepted by the product automata is empty, then the property is true. If not generate a counter-example.
Action Language A state based language, actions correspond to state changes –Unlike CCS Transition relation is defined using actions –Basic actions: Predicates on current and next state variables –Action composition: synchronous or asynchronous Modular –Local, imported, exported, shared variables –Modules can be composed using synchronous or asynchronous composition
Action Language – TLA Connection Similarities: –Transition relation is defined using predicates on current and next state variables –Each predicate is defined mathematically using integer arithmetic, boolean logic, etc. Differences: In Action Language –Temporal operators are not used in defining the transition relation Dual language approach: temporal properties are redundant, they are used to check correctness –Synchronous and asynchronous composition operators are not equivalent to logical operators
An Action Language Specification module producer_consumer integer produced, consumed, count; parameterized integer size; initial : produced = consumed = count = 0; restrict : size >= 1; producer : count < size & count’ = count + 1 & produced’ = produced + 1; consumer : count > 0 & count’ = count – 1; & consumed’ = consumed + 1; producer_consumer : producer | consumer; spec : invariant(produced – consumed = count & count <= size); endmodule
A Closer Look at Action Language module producer_consumer integer produced, consumed, count; parameterized integer size; initial : produced = consumed = count = 0; restrict : size >= 1; producer : count < size & count’ = count + 1 & produced’ = produced + 1; consumer : count > 0 & count’ = count – 1; & consumed’ = consumed + 1; producer_consumer : producer | consumer; spec : invariant(produced – consumed = count & count <= size); endmodule S : Cartesian product of variable domains defines variable domains defines the set of states the set of states S : Restricts set of states of states I : Predicate defining the initial states the initial states R : Defines the transition relation Temporal property R : Atomic actions of the system used to define system used to define the transition relation the transition relation
Actions in Action Language Basic actions (no composition) Predicates on current and next state variables –Current state variable: produced –Next state variable: produced’ –Logical operators Negation ! Conjunction & Disjunction | An action is a predicate: count < size & count’ = count + 1 & produced’ = produced + 1
No Assignments, Guards, Ifs, etc. Assignment –x’ = y + 1 –Equivalent to x’ – 1 = y, 0 = y – x’ + 1 Guarded commands –x > 0 & x’=y+1 If-then-else –(x > 0 & x’=x+1) | (!(x > 0) & x’=x-1) guardassignment
Composition in Action Language There are two basic composition operators in action language –Asynchronous composition: a1 | a2 –Synchronous composition: a1 & a2 Asynchronous composition is almost equivalent to logical OR Synchronous composition is almost equivalent to logical AND
Asynchronous Composition Asynchronous composition is equivalent to logical OR if composed actions have the same next state variables a1 : i > 0 & i’ = i + 1; a2 : i <= 0 & i’ = i – 1; a3 : a1 | a2 a3 : (i > 0 & i’ = i + 1) | (i <= 0 & i’ = i – 1);
Asynchronous Composition Asynchronous composition preserves values of variables which are not explicitly updated a1 : i > j & i’ = j; a2 : i <= j & j’ = i; a3 : a1 | a2; a3 : (i > j & i’ = j) & j’ = j | (i <= j & j’ = i) & i’ = i
Asynchronous Composition Example module producer_consumer integer produced, consumed, count; parameterized integer size; initial : produced = consumed = count = 0; restrict : size >= 1; producer : count < size & count’ = count + 1 & produced’ = produced + 1; consumer : count > 0 & count’ = count – 1; & consumed’ = consumed + 1; producer_consumer : producer | consumer; spec : invariant(produced – consumed = count & count <= size); endmodule
Synchronous Composition Synchronous composition is equivalent to logical AND if two actions do not disable each other a1 : i’ = i + 1; a2 : j’ = j + 1; a3 : a1 & a2; a3 : i’ = i + 1 & j’ = j + 1;
Synchronous Composition A disabled action does not block synchronous composition a1 : i < max & i’ = i + 1; a2 : j < max & j’ = j + 1; a3 : a1 & a2; a3 : (i = max & i’ = i) & (j = max & j’ = j);
Modules in Action Language A module has –A set of states –A set of initial states –A transition relation Modules can be composed like actions using asynchronous and synchronous composition
Shared Variables Modules can share variables exported : gives read access to other modules imported : gets read access of an exported variable shared : both read and write accessed by different modules
Modular Producer-Consumer Example module producer integer produced; shared integer count; shared parameterized integer size; initial : produced = 0; restrict : size>=1; producer : count<size & count’=count+1 & produced’=produced+1; endmodule module consumer integer consumed; shared integer count; shared parameterized integer size; initial : consumed = 0; restrict : size >= 1; consumer : count>0 & count’=count–1; & consumed’=consumed+1; endmodule module producer_consumer module producer, consumer; shared int count = 0; initial count=0; producer_consumer : producer | consumer; spec : invariant(produced – consumed = count)& count <= size); endmodule
Temporal Properties in Action Language Temporal properties can be declared using high level temporal operators –invariant –eventually Or CTL temporal operators –AG, AF, etc.
Statecharts Hierarchical state machines States can be combined to form superstates OR decomposition of a superstate –The system can be in only one of the OR states at any given time AND decomposition of a superstate –The system has to be in both AND states at the same time Transitions –Transitions between states
Statecharts to Action Language Statecharts transitions (arcs) correspond to actions OR states correspond to enumerated variables and they define the state space Transitions (actions) of OR states are combined using asynchronous composition Transitions (actions) of AND states are combined using synchronous composition
Statecharts to Action Language module AlSys enum Alarm {Shut, Op}; enum Mode {On, Off}; enum Vol {1, 2}; initial : Alarm=Shut & Mode=Off & Vol=1; t1 : Alarm=Shut & Alarm’=Op & Mode’=On & Vol’=1; t2 : Alarm=Shut & Alarm’=Op & Mode’=Off & Vol’=1; t3 : Alarm=Op & Alarm’=Shut; t4 : Alarm=Op & Mode=On & Mode’=Off; t5 : Alarm=Op & Mode=Off & Mode’=On;... AlSys : t1 | t2 | t3 | (t4 | t5) & (t6 | t7); endmodule Alarm Shut Op On Off 1 2 ModeVol t1 t2 t3 t4 t5t6t7
SCR Tabular specifications –Mode transition tables –Condition tables –Event tables Events = c c’ –In action language: !c & c’ WHEN d = c c’ d –In action language: !c & c’ & d
SCR to Action Language Each row in an SCR table corresponds to an action The transition relation of a table is defined by asynchronous composition of actions that correspond to its rows The transition relation of the whole system is defined by the synchronous composition of transition relations of tables
SCR to Action Language module HeaterACSys enum Heater{On, Off}; enum AC{On, Off}; int temp; parameterized int low, high; initial : low<=temp<=high & Heater=AC=Off; r1 : !(temp<low) & temp’<low & Heater=Off & Heater’=On; r2 : !(temp>=low) & temp’>=low & Heater=On & Heater’=Off; t_heat : r1 | r2;... HeaterACSys: t_heat & t_AC; endmodule Old ModeEventNew Mode < low) Off Old ModeEventNew Mode > high) Off Heater AC
Conclusions It is possible to represent specification languages such as Statecharts and SCR using simple composition operators Action language can provide an intermediate language for verification –It preserves the structure of high-level specifications –It is closer to the transition system models used by model checkers
Related Work Specification languages for verification –[Milner 80] CCS –[Chandy and Misra 88] Unity –[Lamport 94] Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) Specification languages for model checking –[Holzmann 98] Promela –[McMillan 93] SMV –[Alur and Henzinger 96, 99] Reactive Modules
Future Work Developing efficient model checking procedures for Action Language specifications Exploiting modularity in model checking Action Language specifications Introducing constructs in Action Language for user directed state-space reductions –Abstractions –Variable hiding