Engineering Information Resources Durham University Library June 2008
Learning outcomes By the end of this session you will be able to: Know how to access full text documents Effectively search several databases Evaluate resources Search subject gateways Access information on correct forms of referencing
Starting point Engineering subject pages Library catalogue Advanced searching E-books Journals Print and electronic Eg. Searching within ScienceDirect
Effective searching Keywords / synonyms eg. Hydrology, water engineering Truncation, eg. hydr* (hydrology, hydrological) Wildcards, eg. Colo#r (colour, color) Useful for British / American differences Subject headings In Library catalogue, databases
StandardsStandards, patents, e-prints Standards Patents E-prints
Bibliographic databases Web of Knowledge RAM (Recent Advances in Manufacturing) Journal providers eg ScienceDirect
Accessing material not in Durham SCONUL Access scheme Other library catalogues Document Delivery Service
Internet sites Access these via Engineering subject pages Google Scholar Intute: Science, Engineering & Technology Intute TechExtra Intute Virtual Training Suite Range of engineering tutorials
Evaluating your sources Advice links on your handout for print and web resources Does what you have found meet your requirements? Be particularly careful with the quality of internet resources See advice on your handout
Citing your sources Departmental style Print Electronic Library guidance Writing your bibliography Cite them right (REF PEA)
Help and support Seek further advice if required Enquiries Liaison Librarian: Christine Purcell Any questions?
Practical session Explore resources you’ve not used before If you’re stuck for a subject, here’s a list of possible search terms: Energy conversion or storage The use of nanotechnologies within medicine Strategic management within engineering
Feedback form Please complete the online evaluation form before logging off your PC (link is on Engineering Information skills page)