Sketching high-performance implementations of bitstream programs. Armando Solar-Lezama, Rastislav Bodik UC Berkeley
Bitstream programs bitstream programs: a growing domain –crypto, compression, NSA/BitTwiddle, coding in general. bitstream algorithms easy to state –e.g., “Drop every third bit in the bit stream.” but bitstream programs hard to implement –because efficient bit manipulations are hard to code Can only work with word-size arrays of bits Exponentially many ways of accomplishing the same task SLOW O(n) FAST O(log n)
Current development process A collaborative experience: 1.domain expert writes a high-level algorithm, in C/Fortran, 2.system expert tunes its performance, often drastically turning the algorithm into ugly low-level code. Now, if the original algorithm needs to be modified: –introduce changes into optimized code (error-prone), or –rewrite the algorithm and repeat tuning (time-consuming).
Our development process A (better) collaborative experience: 1.domain expert writes a clean algorithm, in a clean DSL, 2.system expert optimizes the implementation by writing a (reusable) transformation specification in a TSL. If the original algorithm is modified, then –simply reapply the transformation specification. The transformation spec: think of it as … –sequence of program edits, or –high level description of the desired implementation, or –an optimizer tailored to the algorithm
Challenges, and our solution (overview) 1.How to make the transformation reusable? –Transformation should apply after the algorithm changes. 2.How to simplify transformation development? –Should be much easier than editing the program by hand. –Should not allow you to introduce bugs Our solution: a transformation sketch –system expert sketches the transformation, –details filled in automatically. ? functionalityfull implementation + DSL: StreamItTSL: transf. specTSL with sketching
DSL: StreamIt High-level bitstream algorithms written in StreamIt. Example: “drop every third bit”. filter dropThird { Work push 2 pop 3 { for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { x = peek(i); if (i<2) push(x); pop(); } 3 2 consumes a 3-bit chunk of input; produces a 2-bit of output. xyzxyz xyxy x =
Naïve Compilation of BitStream Program The example filter operates on 3- and 2-bit chunks. –unsuitable for the target machine’s instructions So, how to generate code for the example filter? –transform the filter to operate on word-size chunks! –Decompose new filters into filters corresponding to machine instructions –Such low-level program can be expressed in StreamIt!
The development strategy We offer several methods for “lowering” filters into low-level form (i.e., for implementing them with target code): 1.Manual-transformation: M(P) For any filter P, the system expert could manually write a TSL spec to make P low level. 2.Auto-transformation: N(P) For any filter P, the system knows how to produce a naïve lowering TSL spec N. N is thus a simple code generator for P
Transforming into low-level form (1) unroll 4x to make input/output a multiple of W=4 bits
Transforming into low-level form (2) decompose into filters operating on W=4 bits of input rrobin 4,4, or
Transforming into low-level form (3) decompose into filters producing W=4 bits of output. rrobin 4,4, or rrobin 4,4, or duplicate cat
Implementing a basic filter (4) decompose word-size filter into available instructions duplicate or t1 = in AND 1100 t2 = in SHIFTL 1 t3 = t2 AND 0010 out = t1 OR t3 in
The development strategy We offer several methods for “lowering” filters into low-level form (i.e., for implementing them with target code): 1.Manual-transformation: M(P) For any filter P, the filter system expert could manually bring it to low level form. 2.Auto-transformation: N(P) For any filter P, the system knows how to produce a naïve lowering TSL spec N. N is thus a simple code generator for P 3.Half-way transformation. N(T(P)) System expert provides a spec T that transforms P so that N generates better code. If written well, T brings P closer to low-level code (gives it a good structure) so that N can do a perfect job generating the code.
TSL: Transformation spec language TSL specification: –describes how to transform a filter into a semantically equivalent one with a different structure. –so that you don’t need to transform filters manually. Example. TSL spec for the transformation you just saw: f = Unroll[4](dropThird); f = ColSplit[4](f); f.f_1 = RowSplit[4](f.f_1); f.f_2 = RowSplit[4](f.f_2); f.f_3 = RowSplit[4](f.f_3); TSL Spec can also be thought of as an implementation specification. –Every statement in the above specification provides the system more details about the implementation. –This simple specification can be generated automatically –better TSL specs written by system expert, with help of sketches
Half way transformations The expert guides lowering by imparting structure to the filter –If the system expert has an algorithm in mind to implement a particular filter, the expert can decompose the filter into a sequence of filters, each one implementing one step of the algorithm. So, specifying an efficient bit manipulation often boils down to specifying a decomposition of the filter’s matrix. –filter = filter1 x filter2 This can be done hierarchically, –Detail is only added where necessary.
F.F_1 Half way transformations-example System Expert provides high level decomposition System Takes care of Lowering F.F_1, F.F_2 and F.F_3 Correctness is guaranteed as long as F = [F.F_3]x[F.F_2]x[F.F_1] Fully Specifying F.F._1, F.F_2 and F.F_3 is still too difficult. We would like to be able to sketch them F F.F_2 F.F_3 F.F_1 F.F_2 F.F_3 Half way transformation to specify FAST bit shifting algorithm
The development strategy We offer several methods for “lowering” filters into low-level form (i.e., for implementing them with target code): 1.Manual-transformation: M(P) For any filter P, the filter system expert could manually bring it to low level form. 2.Auto-transformation: N(P) For any filter P, the system knows how to produce a naïve lowering TSL spec N. N is thus a simple code generator for P 3.Half-way transformation. N(T(P)) System expert provides a spec T that transforms P so that N generates better code. If written well, T brings P closer to low-level code (gives it a good structure) so that N can do a perfect job generating the code. 4.Half-specified transformation. N(s[T](P)) System expert provides a sketch of a transformation T. The compiler completes the sketch by requiring that the completed transformation (s[T]) produces a filter semantically equivalent to P.
Sketching a transformation A transformation sketch: –Specifies the number of stages in the decomposition –Gives constraints on terms of the decomposition –System derives a decomposition satisfying the constraints and semantically equivalent to original filter Example. A fragment of TSL for FAST compaction: filter = [shift(1:16 by 0 || 1)] x [shift(1:16 by 0 || 2)] x [shift(1:16 by 0 || 4)] functionality sketch ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? full implementation
Sketching a transformation The PermutFactor function specifies each step as a list of constraints –PermutFactor[ [constrList] [constrList] …] Constraints of 3 types: –Type 1: specific shift amount shift( bitList by x) –Type 2: undetermined shift amount shift( bitList by ?) –Type 3: limited choice of shift amount shift( bitList by a || b || …) System ignores constraints on discarded bits
Sketching a transformation-example First we must unroll to get a multiple of the word size –Unroll[16](filter) We want to use the fast algorithm for compacting the bits in each word The second word can only pack half the bits at a time, since half will go to one word and half to another
Sketching a transformation-example If we first pack all bits within a word, we can better exploit the parallelism afforded by the fast algorithm. We want to sketch this transformation.
Sketching a transformation-example Sketch of the transformation –PermutFactor[[][]](filter) Sketch of the transformation –PermutFactor[[] [shift(1:16 by ?), shift(17:32 by ?), shift(33:48 by ?)] ](filter) Sketch of the transformation –PermutFactor[[shift(1:2 by 0), shift(17:18 by 0), shift(33:34 by 0)] [shift(1:16 by ?), shift(17:32 by ?), shift(33:48 by ?)] ](filter) After this is done, we can proceed hierarchically
Sketching a transformation-example We can select a specific part of the algorithm and add more detail –Specification of fast bit packing algorithm within each word PermutFactor[ [shift(1:16 by 0 || 1)], [shift(1:16 by 0 || 2)], [shift(1:16 by 0 || 4)] ]( F_i );
Complete TSL spec for FAST WSIZE=16; subsequence = Unroll[WSIZE](subsequence); subsequence = PermutFactor[ [shift(1:2 by 0), shift(17:18 by 0), shift(33:34 by 0)], [shift(1:16 by ?), shift(17:32 by ?), shift(33:48 by ?)] ] ( subsequence ); subsequence.subsequence_1=DiagSplit[WSIZE](subsequence); for(i=0; i<3; ++i) { bsequence.subsequence_1.filter(i) = PermutFactor[ [shift(1:16 by 0 || 1)], [shift(1:16 by 0 || 2)], [shift(1:16 by 0 || 4)] ]( subsequence.subsequence_1.filter(i) ); } Size: 13 lines
Reusability of the TSL specs A TSL spec is reusable under a given change to the program if the changed program can still be profitably transformed with the TSL spec. Experiment: 1.Start with the program P = “drop every third bit”, 2.Write the FAST spec for it, 3.Modify P to “drop the second bit in each three bits.” no change in the original TSL spec needed. 4.Modify P to “drop every fourth bit”. Only minor change in the TSL spec needed.
Performance Gain: bit compaction On a pentium III processor running at 1.5 GHz, the unoptimized code took seconds to process.127 Mb of data 100 times. On the same machine, optimized version took seconds, a performance gain of 39%.
Performance Gain: Permutation from DES On the same machine the unoptimized code took.102 seconds to process the same amount of data. After a simple TSL specification DESIP=PermutFactor[ [ shift(1:2:31 by -33), shift(2:2:32 by 0), shift(33:2:63 by 0), shift(34:2:64 by 33) ],[]](DESIP); Optimized version took.073 seconds, a speedup of 28%
Conclusions Our system allows the separation of the algorithm specification from performance tuning through the use of TSL System expert only needs to specify high level transformations, system can take care of the details Sketching the transformations makes them reusable and easier to write.