Senior Project BY: Ricardo V. Gonzalez Advisor: Dr. Vinod B. Prasad
Data Mover Using Vlsi In L-Edit Testing in different CAD for functionality assurance
Objective zThe main objective is to acquire experience in asic design building a data mover with testable features to transfer data from the input to the output following a geometric algorithm. This type of design will require the use of CMOS technology and logic gate design to be fabricated into a chip
Table Of Content zBlock diagram zDesign equations zTwo bit example of a data mover zTiming control needed zTiming chart zComplete data mover (2 bit example) zDesigns of circuitry finished
Table Of Content (Continued) zUpdated progress zWork left to do zQuestion section
Block Diagram
Design Equations zData mover: zMemory a[2]; b[2]; c[2]. Inputs: x[2] zOutputs: z[2] z1 a x z2 c /a z3 b c[0], c[1] z4 c a v b z5 z = c
Two Bit Example
Timing Control Needed
Controller Circuit (Tested In Logicworks)
Controller Simulated In Logicworks
Control Circuit Designed In L-Edit
Controller Simulation In Pspice
D flip-flop designed in L-Edit
D flip-flop simulation in Pspice
And gate in L-Edit
And Gate simulation in Pspice
X Or Gate in L-Edit
Complete Data Mover (Two Bit Example)
Data Mover 2 Bit in L-Edit
Data Mover 4 Bit In L-edit
4 Bit Data Mover Simulation In Pspice
Work Done So Far zResearched about the behavior of data mover circuit zDesigned controller circuit for timing zTested all gates and circuits zImplemented all circuits in L-EDIT
Work Left To Do zMake final connections from the design to the pad zResearch about more possible applications of this design zDesign a feasible application zSend design for fabrication zPrepare for expo 2001
Question Section zAny questions or comments?