第 7 章 Cognitive development: Information processing perspective
一、 General models of information processing (一) The store model 1. p 發展的應用 (1) 儲存的容量( the capacity of the stores ) (2) 策略使用的程度和有效性( the extent and effectiveness of strategy use )
(二) Connectionism 發展認知神經科學 當熟練新技巧的過程中,大腦確實發生什麼過 程 運用電腦設計 connectionist, or artificial neural network, models P.275
二、訊息處理之二個理論 (一) Case’s neo-Piagetian theory 1. 核心概念 (1) 時期( Stages ) 每一個時期都有其明顯不同的認知結構 嬰兒期 : sensory input and physical actions 兒童早期 : internal representations of events and objects 兒童中期 : simple transformations of representations 青少年 : complex transformations of representations
(2) 工作記憶容量( Working memory capacity )和 處理效率( processing efficiency )導致時期之 內的改變,以及由一個時期進入另一個時期 working memory capacity Storage processing Storage process
(3) 工作記憶容量( Working memory capacity ) 增加的原因 Brain development: 促使思考效能增加,然也設定了 processing capacity 的上限 Scheme 的練習使用而成自動化( Practice with scheme and automization ) : Scheme: mental strategy Use scheme (assimilation 同化) automatic free working memory capacity combine schemes or generate new ones ( accommodation 調節)
核心概念結構形成( Formation of central conceptual structures ) central conceptual structures: Networks of concepts and relations The schemes of a stage become automatic enough capacity to consolidate them into an improved representational form central conceptual structure Think about a wide range situations in more advanced ways more capacity
(二) Siegler ’ s model of strategy choice Adaptive strategy choice model P The development of strategy is not stage-like 2. Siegler et al. (1996) 5 + 3=? Sum strategy= Min strategy=5-678 Fact retrieval : just know is 8 without counting (1) 任何年齡的孩子都有多種策略,而策略之間的競 爭,勝出者加以採用 (2) 隨著年齡、經驗、訊息處理能力增進,較複雜的策略 傾向勝出 (3) 當面對新問題時,舊策略可能勝出
三、注意力( attention ) (一)注意時間( attention span )的改變 1. 隨著年齡, 注意時間增長 幼兒: 分鐘 2. 原因: (1) 中樞神經系統成熟 (2) 更有效的調節注意力的策略
(二)選擇性注意 1. 年齡差異 Miller & Weiss (1981) year olds remember the locations of a number of animals and a household object positioned above or below the animal animal test : 13 > 10, 10 slightly better than 7 household object : 10, 7 > 13 10,7 year-olds : animal=household object
2. 2 個因素 (1) 認知抑制( Cognitive inhibition ) 控制內外在分心刺激的能力,與大腦皮質發展 有關 (2) 注意策略發展 (p.282) task Production deficiency Control deficiency Utilization deficiency Effective strategy use
四、記憶( memory ) 記憶策略( pp ) The knowledge base and memory performance Chi(1978) expert P.290
五、後設記憶的發展 ( The development of metamemory ) Knowledge about memory increases dramatically between 4-12 years olds Knowledge about memory strategies develops very gradually : children younger than 7 are often unaware that such strategies as rehearsal and organization may be useful to them