IT 240 Intro to Desktop Databases Introduction
About this course Design a database: Entity Relation (ER) modeling and normalization techniques Create and maintain a database using Microsoft Access. Compose and use queries in Structured Query Language Create and customize forms and reports Integrate databases with other sources of data and applications
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About Me Contact info: 474 CTI Building Web: Office Ph: Education Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics Wayne State University M.S. in Mathematical Statistics Michigan State University Teaching CS, Math, and Stat at CTI since 1980 Research Semantics of Programming Languages Probabilistic Approximation Theory Complex Variables Other Interests Cycling, Chess, Wildlife, Backpacking, Collecting
About you – Please hand in the following information on the card provided. Name, Year, Major Hometown Why did you take this course? What did you do over winter break? Your computer experience Have you used the Internet before? Have you created a web page? What MS tools have you used? Word, Excel, Access?
To Know YOU Better Talk with me before or after class Concerns about this class Suggestions to improve the lectures Things you like and dislike Come to my office (during office hours or not) 474 CTI Building in Loop Tuesdays: 10:20 am – 11:50 am, Loop Thursdays: 1:50 pm – 3:10 pm, SAC 268 Office hours: open-door, no appointments needed Usually prompt reply. Ask and answer questions in class.
Lecture format PowerPoint / Web presentation + blackboard illustration Help with assignments in lab Keep focused in class Class Web Page, syllabus, etc. CTI’s CourseOnLine (COLweb) Submit homework Check grades instructor and classmates ( make sure you have your correct on file )
Course Grading Regularly assigned homework (with due dates) Given on course website and COLweb ( Submitted up to one week after due date, 10 point penalty After that homework will receive a grade of zero Submit via COLweb, see Submission Guidelines About 7-9 assignments. Your homework average will count as 40% of the course grade. Midterm exam (or project) will count 25% of your grade. No final exam. Final project counts 35% of your grade. More about the final project later. See course syllabus for more details.