Office of Institutional Effectiveness 514 Fondren Library John M. Cornwell, PhD Virginia Ann Coleman
Mission Ensure that student learning outcomes for educational programs, and relevant outcomes for administrative and educational support services have been identified and assessed. Provide technical assistance to all units regarding identifying and assessing outcomes for continuous improvement and institutional effectiveness. Strengthen the linkage of outcomes assessment with resource allocation and planning at the university level.
Institutional Effectiveness Cycle 1) Mission/Purpose 2) Desired Outcomes 3) Assessment Plan 4) Assessment Results 5) Action Plan for Improvement 6) Resource Allocation for Actions 7) Evaluation of Action Implementation 8) Continue the Cycle
ROARS 6 point Outline (Rice Outcomes Assessment Reports) 1. Outcome 2. Assessment Methods 3. Results of Assessment Analysis 4. Conclusions 5. Action Plan for Improvement 6. Follow-up Evaluation of Actions
Monitoring Report submitted to SACS Sept 5, (Institutional Effectiveness) Outcomes assessment for all academic and administrative & support services (All Educational Programs) Outcomes assessment for all degree programs (Undergraduate Programs) Assessment of common learning outcomes for all undergraduates
Work Plan Every educational program and administrative & support unit engaged in outcomes assessment Review/strengthen outcomes & assessment plans Pilot assessment approaches for core UG learning outcomes Develop reporting protocols for use by all units and at all levels (build on ROARS) Integrate ROARS into annual budgeting and planning efforts