1 Victoria Craig Supervisor: Dr. Michael Francis “Developing a Generic Web-based CASE tool to plan a Geographical Information Systems (GIS), using the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to underpin the Planning Process”.
2 Aims and Objectives To Develop a web-based CASE tool, to plan and design a GIS, being adaptive and self-learning, for different levels of expertise. Use SSM (Checkland, 1990) for planning the GIS, in order to serve purposeful action To define that ‘subjectivist’ approaches can be just as effective as ‘objectivist’ approaches (currently not being used for GIS development); fulfilling a gap.
3 Research Problem Companies are using Hard Engineering approaches; Unaware of soft system approachesUnaware of soft system approaches Not willing to train users to use new approachesNot willing to train users to use new approaches Not discovered any tools developed using SSM for GIS development; most users using prepared packages; SSM has its limitations… Not developed to deal with technology based Information Systems, therefore incomplete.Not developed to deal with technology based Information Systems, therefore incomplete. Therefore will have to use Interpretative Data Analysis (Dunning-Lewis) and Unified Modelling Language, in order to develop the CASE tool.Therefore will have to use Interpretative Data Analysis (Dunning-Lewis) and Unified Modelling Language, in order to develop the CASE tool.
4 Why SSM? Advantages of SSM Deals with ‘fuzzy’, ill-defined problems;Deals with ‘fuzzy’, ill-defined problems; Involves user perspectives (Weltanschauungen);Involves user perspectives (Weltanschauungen); Considers room for improvement throughout;Considers room for improvement throughout; Iterative method, consisting of seven-stages;Iterative method, consisting of seven-stages; Adapts with action research;Adapts with action research; Considers two streams of analysis (Cultural and Political);Considers two streams of analysis (Cultural and Political); Breaks down the problem situation (‘Holon’) and models each sub-system;Breaks down the problem situation (‘Holon’) and models each sub-system;
5 Why a web-based CASE Tool? “Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) can be applied to any system or collection tools that help to automate the software-design and development process” (D. H. M. Spector, 2002). GIS has not yet been constructed using any soft system CASE tools, being one of the aims of this research. Having access to the tool via the WWW will enable easy access for users, reduce cost, maintenance and so forth.
6 Plan of Thesis
7 Achievement so far…. Literature Review Previous Projects relating to SSM, GIS and the use of CASE toolsPrevious Projects relating to SSM, GIS and the use of CASE tools Most GIS development includes prepared packages, few hard engineering tools are available. SSM teaching tools available, but none for development purposes. GIS and IS: The difference “A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a specialised Information System, to fulfil purposeful action within the real world (the system served), by collecting (spatial or non-spatial data), storing and retrieving such data, achieving transformed geographical information, being useful for analysing, monitoring, control and decision- making by users within an organisation, allowing room for improvement for future requirements (system serving)”.“A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a specialised Information System, to fulfil purposeful action within the real world (the system served), by collecting (spatial or non-spatial data), storing and retrieving such data, achieving transformed geographical information, being useful for analysing, monitoring, control and decision- making by users within an organisation, allowing room for improvement for future requirements (system serving)”.
8 Achievement so far.. The importance of planning Other development methodologies incomplete The elements of SSM that could be used for planning a GIS CASE tool Situation of Inquiry, Root definition, CATWOE, conceptual modelling. A new methodology required. Factors to consider when developing a web-based CASE tool. Good design principles, effective database design, security issues. .Net Framework, IDA, Task Oriented Design, Ms Access.
9 Achievement so far.. Planning the tool.
10 Achievement so far….
11 Further Work Implementation of planning elements of tool (first three elements) Elements required for GIS Location-based services in greater detail Develop a database for storing and retrieving relevant data.
12 Thank you Any Questions?
13 Feedback for naming CASE tool: GISMO ‘Geographical Intelligent System of systeMic creatiOn’