Roadside Attractions Discovering America by Car
Roadside Delirium 1.Animals Gatorland, Kissimmee FL seat alligator wrestling area World’s Largest Bug, Providence RI - 50 ft. Long termite 2. Made in America Hersey’s Kiss Cap, PA - silver boob
More Roadside Attractions 3. Celebrities Flintstone Bedrock City, Custer SD Elvis Museum, Pigeon Forge TN 4. Science Int. Space Hall of Fame, Alamogordo NM - simulated stroll on Mars Hamock’s Mortuary, Paducah KY - mummified funeral handyman
More Roadside Attractions 5. History Witch Dungeon, Salem MA - live trial 6. Civic Pride Mitchell Corn Palace, Mitchell SD - adorned with 3,000 bushels of corn 7. Earth Howe Caverns NY - cave for weddings
And still more roadside attractions 8. Meccas Wigwam Village, Cave City KY - Teepees with waterbeds Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo CA - Safari room, Love Nest room, Caveman room 9. Route miles of 60s America