A Perfusion-based Micro 3-D Cell Culture Platform NTHU MSCL Adviser: C. H. Liu C. He Yeh.


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Presentation transcript:

A Perfusion-based Micro 3-D Cell Culture Platform NTHU MSCL Adviser: C. H. Liu C. He Yeh

A Perfusion-based Micro 3-D Cell Culture Platform Outline  Culture environment at large scale  Culture environment at micro scale  Principle  Fabrication  Conclusion & Features  Further work

General Culture Equipment 細胞培養設備 (1) 高溫高壓滅菌爐 (2) 無菌室 (3) 無菌操作台 (4) 二氧化碳培養箱 (5) 細胞離心機 (6) 倒立顯微鏡 (7) 恆溫水浴槽 (8) 冷凍冷藏冰箱 (9) 細胞計數器及血球計數盤 (10) 本生燈 (11) 液氮細胞儲存桶 (12) 酸鹼測定儀 (13) 真空幫浦 (14) 瓦斯桶 (15) 二氧化碳桶 Lab On a Chip

On Chip Advantages Small dimension Saving sample Rapid assay process (micro dimension, avoid medium or reagent diffusion time gradient or concentration different ) Cheap, disposable

On Chip Culture Requirement Temperature : 37 ℃ pH : 7.2 ~ 7.4 ( 95% air 5%CO 2 or HEPES) Buffered saline (PBS, PBSA, …etc) Medium : (Serum, glucose, amino acids, vitamin, antibiotics ) 3D culture (In vivo Culture)

A Perfusion-based Micro 3-D Cell Culture Platform

Working Principle :

A Perfusion-based Micro 3-D Cell Culture Platform Fabrication :

Conclusion Feature 1: 3D well-defined culture environment  mimic an in vivo environment  distinct cellular behaviors (cell-cell and cell-extracellular interactions )  provide more meaningful data

Conclusion Feature 2 : Short Loading cell channel Feature 3 : High throughput (8 chambers)

Further work Bioassay (inject reagent instead of culture medium in vivo bioassay in vivo bioassay) Biochemical experiment Tissue engineering Drug screening μTAS

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