Tevatron Searches for Higgs and SUSY for the andcollaborations Dan Claes Hadronic Structure 2007 September 3-7 Comenius University Study and Congress Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Tevatron Searches for Higgs and SUSY for the andcollaborations Dan Claes Hadronic Structure 2007 September 3-7 Comenius University Study and Congress Center Modra-Harmónia, Slovakia

Searches for contributions to observed events by Higgs decays as well as new phenomena beyond the Standard Model are intensifying as the Tevatron data set grows. CDF Main Injector & Recycler Tevatron Chicago   p source Booster pp p p pp 1.96 TeV CDF DØ Proton-antiproton collider operating at COM energy of 1.96 TeV

Collider Run II Peak Luminosity Collider Run II Integrated Luminosity Will run for at least two more years! ~3 fb -1 recorded! All the results shown today are based on analysis of 1+ fb fb -1 by 2009

one in ~10 12 events could be a Higgs boson! have seen evidence for single top! g g t t t H W / ZW / ZW / ZW / Z H q q Higgs production at the Tevatron

Allowed Higgs self-coupling diverges unstable vacuum Nature appears to respect gauge invariancemasslessness Through electroweak symmetry breaking within the complex scalar field, V(  ), of the Higgs the gauge bosons W,Z acquire mass and a spin-0 Higgs boson appears, its own mass unspecified though theoretical considerations do constrain it.

A light Higgs might be around the corner (if the SM is correct) m H < 144 GeV at 95% confidence limit The latest LEP Electroweak Working Group fit yields a preferred value of: Direct searches reveal m H > GeV/c 2 at 95% confidence A Standard Model Higgs should be LIGHT!

Excluded at LEP m H <135 GeV/c 2 m H >135 GeV/c 2 produced with W or Z boson decay to b quark pair direct gg  H production decays to W boson pair Most sensitive searches: Analysis Strategy m H < 135 GeV WH/ZH + H  bb WH/ZH + H  bb Gluon fusion + H  WW m H > 135 GeV Gluon fusion + H  WW top, Wbb, Zbb WW, DY, WZ Background H->WW bb

electron/muon Selection - one or two tagged b -jets - e or  with p T > 15 GeV - E T > 20 GeV neutrino DØ: 4 non-overlapping samples - e or  with - 1 “tight” or 2 “loose” b -tags CDF: 2 exclusive samples using different b -tagging algorithms

 95 /  SM = 9.05, , 10.1 DØ exp, obsCDF exp, obs Limits set cutting on NN output:

Selection: - two acoplanar jets (exactly 2 – CDF) - ≥ 1 tagged b-jets (CDF) 2 tagged b-jets (DØ) - E T > 55 GeV (CDF) 50 GeV (DØ) b jet ZH  bb b jet

Backgrounds : - W+heavy flavour jets - Z +heavy flavour jets - top pairs ZH  bb

Selection: -require two isolated muons or electrons in Z mass window -one or two tagged b -jets e,e, Look for enhanced production of Zs: e,e, CDF - corrects its b -jets with E T projections

Separate NN trained to reject two main background processes: Z + jetstop pairs 1 ‘tight’ b -tag 2 ‘loose’ b -tags at M H = 115 GeV  95 /SM 20.4 exp obs 16

→ hadrons → e or  same charge di-lepton mass Selection: - 2 isolated leptons (p T > 15 GeV) (electrons and/or muons)‏ - kinematic likelihood selection ee ee  “flips”: charge mis-identification estimated from data:  : solenoid vs toroid e : solenoid vs  (track,calorimeter) like-sign!  , m, E T or   T min

ee e   expected background 20.6  data WH(160)  95 /  SM ~ 18 for M H = 160 GeV L = 1 fb -1

16 Selection: - two isolated leptons - large E T miss - Less than 2 jets (>15 GeV) CDF If WW comes from a spin-0 Higgs Higgs: small  ( ) W W: large  ( ) leptons will tend to align

Matrix Element Technique most sensitive at high masses

Combines sixteen mutually exclusive final states for WH, ZH, WW  SM at m H =115 GeV  SM at m H =160 GeV Today I’ll report on recent progress –updated CDF & DZero low & high mass 1+ fb -1 analyses SUMMER 2006

Combines sixteen mutually exclusive final states for WH, ZH, WW 7.7  SM at m H =115 GeV 1.4  SM at m H =160 GeV

The Standard Model assumes a single complex Higgs doublet generates W / Z masses and a massive chargeless spin-0 boson, the Higgs, H Higgs Bosons Beyond the Standard Model 2HDM: 2 Higgs Doublet Models H u / H d couple to up - and down - type quarks tan β is the ratio of their vev ’s tan β = / EWSB results in 4 massive scalar ( h, H, H ± ) and one massive pseudo scalar ( A ) Higgs bosons (  ) Minimal Supersymmetric Model At large tan  enhanced  0 bb and  0 tt couplings mean large Higgs production rates at hadron colliders! fully parameterized (at tree level) by tan β, m A with radiative corrections that depend on stop mixing

is accessible to the Tevatron provided m H  is not too large! Background rates in 3  final state are very low measured fake rates for Z  or W  tri-photon production extrapolated from di-photon sample For tan  > 1, m H  < 200 GeV and m h < 90 GeV B( h   )  1 and B( H   hW  )  1 Fermiophobic Higgs Decaying to 3  A production mechanism unique to hadron colliders Optimizing selection on 3  s E T > 30, 25, 25 GeV 0 events observed 1.1  0.2 expected background No obvious structure in diphoton mass spectrum

Optimizing final selection on 3  s E T > 30, 20, 25 GeV and  p T > 25 GeV rejects background ProcessEvents expected direct 3  0.9  0.2 estimated 3  fakes0.3  0.05 Observed0 LEP2 limits of 108 GeV/c 2 assumed SM coupling h f V V Fermiophobic Higgs Decaying to 3 

Fermiophobic Higgs in 2  + X 1.1 fb -1 Selection: 2 photons (p T > 25 GeV) m h >92 GeV at 95% CL Background: ,  +jet and jet+jet

 b (b)  bb b(b) Search g g b b  0 b g b At high tan  Br(H/A  bb)  90%, but swamped by QCD background Look for associated production with b s. Selection: - 3 b-tagged jets‏ - look for a signal in the invariant mass of two leading jets The shape from double–tagged events (  mis-tagged rate) Normalized to the 3 b -tagged sample outside the signal mass window. ALPGEN MC

0.90 fb fb -1  b (b)  bb b(b) Search CDF found two useful discriminators m 12 (invariant mass, 2 leading jets) m diff = mass of the tracks assigned to jet from the displaced vertex

Neutral MSSM Higgs   had Main backgrounds: Z  (irreducible), W+jets, Z  ee, , mulijet, di-boson DØ:  -channel only CDF: e, , e +  channels 1 isolated  separated from opposite sign hadronic  isolated e or  separated from opposite sign hadronic  set of 3 NNs discri- minate  from jets variable-size cone algorithm for  m vis < 20 GeV removes remaining W background > 55 GeV W s removed by a cut on the MET projected on the bisector between  s.

Neutral MSSM Higgs   had Small excess in CDF’s e  +  channel but < 2  effect not observed in CDF e  channel While DØ is in good agreement with SM

Neutral MSSM Higgs   had Both experiments give similar results: in the 90<m A <200 GeV region tan  > ~40-60 excluded for the no-mixing and m h max benchmarks

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Particle Name Symbol Spartner Name Symbol gluon g gluino g charged Higgs H + chargino  1,2 charged weak boson light Higgs h neutralino  1,2,3,4 heavy Higgs H pseudoscalar Higgs A neutral weak boson Z photon  quark q squark q R,L lepton l slepton l R,L SUPERSYMMETRY 0  The L ightest S upersymmetric P article provides E T if the LSP is stable and R-parity is conserved photons and E T if the LSP is a gravitino and NLSP a neutralino long-lived particles if the LSP decays weakly SUSY particles are heavy high p T final state objects

Minimal Supersymmetric SM Extension adding the fewest new particles 2 Higgs doublet h 0 H 0 A 0 H +  and described by 4 parameters M 1 U(1) M 2 U(2) gaugino mass parameter at EW scale higgsino mass parameter tan ratio of VEV of Higgs doublets scalar sector described by MANY mass parameters different SUSY breaking different class of models MSSM Assumptions: SUSY particles are pair produced Lightest SUSY particle (LSP) is stable Lightest SUSY particle is 5 free parameters m o common scalar mass m 1/2 common squark mass A o trilinear coupling tan sign( SUSY Symmetry Breaking SUGRA(  ~ GeV)

with  0 as L ightest S upersymmetric P article and Search for: 2 charm jets plus Missing E T Stop  charm + E T R-parity pair production Pre-selection: 2 jets, p T > 40(20) GeV Lepton, track vetos δφ(jj) < 165 o δφ max  δφ min < 120 o δφ(j,E T ) > 50 o A=(E T  H T )/(E T  H T )>  0.05 E T > 60 GeV and then flavor tag (>= 1 jet) ~

*use Z  ee+jets to normalize Z  vv+jets SM process Number of events W  l +jets  2.34 Z  +jets *13.23  1.76 W  l +HF (bb, cc)  1.06 Z  +HF (bb, cc)  0.78 WW,WZ,ZZ 2.70  0.27 t t 2.17  0.07 Single top 1.76  0.05 Z  ll(e, ,  )+jets 0.12  0.09 Z  ll(e, ,  )+ HF (bb, cc) 0.09  0.04 Total BKG  3.22 Data 66 Stop  charm + E T Finally optimize mass-dependent cuts on H T and P =  max +  min For H T >140 P<320

Search for Long-lived Stop Tracking Chamber Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EM) Muon Detector CDF Hadronic Calorimeter TOF A long-lived, charged massive particle (CHAMP) appears as a “slow” muon. Some models predict long-lived massive particles due to: – weak coupling ( e.g., NLSP in SUSY models with GMSB) – Kinematic constraints (chargino in SUSY with AMSB) – New symmetry (gluino in split-SUSY, LSP stop in ED models) – High P T, low velocity, highly ionizing “muon” – Measure velocity (  ) via TOF detector + timing from tracking detector – Calculate mass from momentum and  Data Control Region dominated by W  Signal Region

Search for Long-lived Stop Exclude stable stop with m<250 GeV/c 2 at 95%CL Signal region: no candidates with m >120 consistent with expected background Prospino2

Squarks/Gluinos  jets + E T Assuming R-partity is conserved, squarks and gluinos can decay directly into the LSP (  0 1 ). or cascade down to the LSP The dominant signature for pp  qq, qg, gg + X is jets+ E T    At least 3 jets E T > 25 GeV and E T > 25 GeV Separate 2-jet, 3-jet and >3-jet analysis.

Squarks/Gluinos  jets + E T Mgluino < 290 for any M q Mgluino < 380 excluded for M g ~ M q 1.4 fb -1 A 0 =0 tan  = 5  <0 ~ ~

Squarks/Gluinos  jets + E T Mgluino < 402 excluded for Mg~Mq Mgluino < 309 excluded – any Mq ~ ~ 0.96 fb -1 A 0 =0 tan  = 3  <0

Squarks   had + jets + E T τ -τ - A 0 =  2m 0 tan  = 15  < 0 enhanced  decay Selection: 2 or more jets E T > 35 GeV E T > 75 GeV at least one hadronic  Optimization: E T > 175 GeV > 325 GeV

Squarks   had + jets + E T Predicted Yields Signal (m 0,m ½ ) ( 80,160)4.7  0.4 (100,150)7.1  0.6 Background 1.7 Data 2 LEP2 slepton searches LEP2 chargino searches Translating to

Chargino/Neutralino  Trileptons Production of   1  0 2 will lead to trilepton final states with E T perhaps the cleanest signature of supersymmetry. Dominant backgrounds: Dibosons and Drell-Yan with converting bremsstrahlung photon ee +track Limits set on  Br as a function of   mass Results interpretted within select mSUGRA scenarios ~ ~ Large  and Br  Maximal 3

Chargino/Neutralino  Trileptons DØ ee +track: Final Selection Signal: 1-2 events Background: 1  0.3 Data: 0 DØ Combined Limit (5 analysis) : DØ Combined Limit (14 analysis) :
