12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ2 Project proposed by: AMARELA SKENDAJ University of Bologna, Faculty of Economy, Sede di Forli - Born on 1981, July 4 th, in Berat - Albania - Graduated on 2003 at University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy, Business- Administration Degree - Last working experience: June 2005 – February 2007 Account Manager near SME Division, Raiffeisen Bank Albania
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ4 Project abstract: The project aim to provide sound infrastructure for match-making businesses from Emilia Romagna Region – Italy and Elbasan - Albania. Connected to INTERREG project Project Duration – 12 months Estimated Budget – 100,000 Euro Project line of funding – IPA Fund Targeted group – Business Development in manufacturing sector (especially focused in mechanical and textile industry) Locality – Elbasan / ALBANIA
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ5 Project location:
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ6 Photos from Elbasan
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ7 Project objectives: Creating new opportunities for regional economic growth (through new businesses creation in sectors of mechanic and textile) Increasing cooperation between local businesses and Italian investors who are seeking business partners Identifying needs for new peoples professionalized in manufacturing sectors In collaboration with CFP office from the Elbasan Municipality, organizing training courses and stages in Italy To promote a dialogue among academic circles, civil society actors, policy and decision makers and entrepreneurs
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ8 Motivations: Proximity to Italy for technology transfer, sub-contracting, FDI and exports Good possibilities for business development (the necessary for infrastructure existing, storage and processing ) Availability of INTERREG project Presence of Professional Education Center (CFP office in Elbasan Municipality) Qualified human resources and low labor cost Existing infrastructure for ferry/sea and road transport The business concentration and development *
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ9 Economy of Elbasan (as per contributed volume)
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ10 Economy of Elbasan (as per number of enterprises) Source: VAT Office, Elbasan
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ11 The location of Elbasan Industry in national system: - Ferrous and nonferrous mining and metallurgy - Machinery, metal goods, building materials and cement - Chemicals - Wood and timber
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ12 Methodology Research and surveys for the businesses operating in mechanical and textile sectors in the Elbasan region creating in this way a business database and identifying business needs for new professional trainings. Workshops for exchanging experience between participants of respective Chambers of Commerce Business to business meetings (B2B) of companies operating in mechanical and textile sectors from respective countries, creating in this way, new business network and opportunities for business partnership. Trainings courses in mechanical and textile industries, in collaboration with the Center of Professional Education, near the Elbasan Municipality. Website creation for the promotion of new initiatives in mechanical and textile sectors.
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ13 Project Grand Holder: University of Bologna Albanian potential partners: - Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Elbasan - Municipality of Elbasan - University “Aleksander Xhuvani” – Elbasan - SMEs Association - Employers Association
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ14 Italian potential partners: - Forli’ – Cesena Province - Municipality of Cesena - Forli’ – Cesena Chamber of Commerce - SMEs Associations of Emilia-Romagna - CNA. Project Grand Holder: University of Bologna
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ15 Project estimated budget Grand HolderPartner 1Partner 2 Project Total Amount Fund ing Co financial IPA Financial Pr. Management 7,000 5,000 2,000 14, % - 14,000 Staff 10,000 5,000 25,00080% 5,000 20,000 Consumators 3,000 2,000 7, % - 7,000 Overheaded Exp. 4,000 3,000 2,000 9, % - 9,000 Fees for Trainings, Workshops 2,000 1,000 5,00070% 1,500 3,500 Trip & Acommodation 10,000 15,000 5,000 30,00080% 6,000 24,000 Other Exp. 5,000 10,00090% 1,000 9,000 Total 41,000 42,000 17, ,000 13,500 86,500
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ16 Organizational Chart *Grand Holder*Partner 1. *Scientific Commitee (PMB) Project Managment Board *Technical Unit *Partner 2. AdministrationLocal Coordinator Website Manager P.C.E.O. Technical Unit Enterpreuners * G.H. – University of Bologna * P.1 – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Elbasan * P.2 – Chamber of Commerce of Forli Cesena *Technical Unit - Assosiation of SME, Municipalità, etc *Scientific Committe – Bologna Univ. Elbasan Univ.
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ17 Activities schedule - PERT - Project Start up - Kick of Meeting - Financial Agreement - Commitment (between Grand Holder, partners and staff) - Research & Survey (for partners, identification of needs for skills development of local enterprises, etc) - Scheduled Operative Plan Workshop Organization (with participation of Grand Holder, Partners, Entrepreneurs) Trainings in fields like: (marketing, mechanical, textile, business plans, etc) Accountin Website creation Stages - Project Results Evaluation - Final Report 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 10th Month 11th Month 12th Month - Workshop - B2B Meeting New business agreements & partnership created
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ18 Expected results: Final report Promotion and further development of cooperation within the regions Workshops (with representative of both chambers of Commerce) B2B meetings Training in form of seminars and workshops related to improving local SMEs’ technical and business skills in manufacturing sectors Start up partnership collaboration from respective regions Improvement of professional skills (both for existing employers and potential ones) Increase employment rate Website creation
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ19 Project Impact: PROJECT IMPACT Improve skills in manufacturing sector Decrease locality unemplyment rate Increasing products produced variety Sharing & difuse the best practise Creation and support of Inovativce SME. Reducing locality unemplyment rate Increasing export (sub-contracting) Improve internatioanl competitivenes
12/06/2015Amarela SKENDAJ20 Thank You from: Amarela SKENDAJ University of Bologna, Faculty of Economy, Sede di Forli’ Mob: