DESC 9177: Computer- Supported Collaborative Design Coordinator: Dr. Xiangyu WANG Demonstrator: Irene Chen )
General Information Lecture notes, exercises, updated unit information etc. could be found in course website: 77_JULY2008_mainpage.htm 77_JULY2008_mainpage.htm Possible addition/changes to the syllabus will be communicated at lecture updated on website. Mailing list - used for urgent messages only Office Hour: By appointment via , Room 274A (Wilkinson Building)
Class exercise Brainstorm and describe one computer tool (communication media) that is now used/could be potentially used to support collaborative work/design Examples: , news groups, newsletter, MSN online chatting tool, facebook shared whiteboards, Wiki, blogs, web-based project management Google online document editing tool Secondlife/Activeworlds (virtual worlds) …..
Week 1: Introduction Computer-Supported Collaborative Design
What is Collaboration? Cooperation: informal relationships, without a commonly defined mission, no risk. Collaboration: a more durable and pervasive relationship, a full commitment to a common mission, risk is much greater. CooperationCollaboration level of formality
What is Collaboration? “...multiple individuals working together in a planned way in the same production process or in different but connected production processes.” Marx (1867) “The interdependence of multiple actors who interact through changing the state of a common field of work.” (Schmidt in Divitini et al. 1996).
What is Collaboration? “...multiple individuals working together in a planned way in the same production process or in different but connected production processes.” Marx (1867) “The interdependence of multiple actors who interact through changing the state of a common field of work.” (Schmidt in Divitini et al. 1996).
What is design? The act of designing is an act that involves others (Kvan 2000). For most, the process of designing includes other members of their profession and members of other professions. Design collaboration requires a higher sense of working together in order to achieve a creative result than co-operative design.
What is design? close-coupled process Examples: using 10 minutes to design a desk with shared white board sketch out a desk using papers in a face-to-face manner
What is design? loose-coupled process Example: design process of a 3D character animation Designer A (animator) Designer B (modeller) concept Design process of a 3D character animation modellinganimation
What are Groups? Teams, committees, meetings, football teams, surgery teams, orchestras,.... A collection of people working in a common context to produce a product as the result of the collaboration, where the collaboration itself can be direct, or be done in a distributed manner. (Bannon and Schmidt 1991).
Class exercise: brainstorm the characteristics of a group Common goal Size, number of people Personalities: gender, culture, age Technical skills, Tools they have – resources Experience Beliefs, values Communication, collaboration technology
Group Member Work Together! Having meetings……, Relying on contributions from others, Communicating work results to others, Coordinating activities with others, Jointly making decisions.