1 Online Collaboration Kitty Daniels and Susan Feather
2 Topics of Discussion Collaboration Overview Characteristics of the Online Learner Collaborative Writing Incorporating Collaboration into the Business and Technical Communications for Telecommunications course
3 Collaboration Overview Institutions of higher learning have begun to recognize its benefits: Active learner-centered teaching approach which “… reforms classroom learning by changing students from passive recipients of information given by an expert teacher to active agents in the construction of knowledge” (Goodsell, Maher, Tinto, Smith, and McGregor, 1992, p. 43).
4 Characteristics of the Online Learner Self directed and motivated (consistent with the adult learner) Needs support services Requires a social context for learning— learning community Source: White, K. W. and Weight, B. H. (2000). The Online Teaching Guide: A Handbook of Attitudes, Strategies, and Techniques for the Virtual Classroom (pp ). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
5 Collaborative Writing Advantages Draws on better knowledge and skills base. Helps to ascertain how the audience will read the document. Enables group members to share responsibility for the document. Improves communication between students.
6 Collaborative Writing Advantages... Improves socialization of new students. Disadvantages Generally takes more time than individual writing. Can lead to inequitable division of labor.
7 Incorporating Collaboration into Business and Technical Communications for Telecom Team Formation Lesson on collaboration and collaborative writing techniques Team projects and presentations Use of CourseInfo tools Group Process Survey - Feedback
8 Group Process Survey Student Comments Try to form groups from people in the same or adjoining time zones. Everyone should participate; otherwise it is a waste of time. Develop “warm up” exercises to get group members used to each other and to group tools before assigning a project.
9 Group Process Survey Student Comments “I don’t know the people I’m speaking to. They can’t hear my tone of voice … see my facial expressions. I may try to be humorous, but I could be perceived as being flippant or mean.” “We can’t tell if unresponsive group members are sick, are working double shifts, have withdrawn from the class, or have died.”
10 Group Process Survey Student Comments Became a working unit instead of individuals Learned constructive criticism Received good feedback from group members Good exercise to prepare for joint writing assignments on the job Really enjoyed it!
11 Questions/Comments