Fear of Dying The physically minded man believes it is the end (nothing more can be done to or for someone after death) Matt 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Mark 5:35 (daughter is dead, nothing more to do) Jn. 11:21 Martha, 32 Mary, 37 Jews (Lazarus is dead there is nothing more to be done) 6 resurrections (recent death to long time dead)
Most Recent Deaths Eutychus (Acts 20:9-12) –life restored so quickly some might doubt death Jairus daughter –contacted Jesus to heal his sick daughter –died before Jesus arrived –people were sure she was dead Mk. 5:39-40 –Jesus proved she was restored Dorcas (Acts 9:37-38) –Peter contacted soon after death (expected?)
Dead for Longer Periods Widow’s son (Lk. 7:11-16) –funeral procession shows he was dead –sat up and spoke proved he was alive Lazarus (was already in the tomb) Jesus could have come sooner –healed his sickness –raised him from the dead sooner after death Time dead created more challenges –Decay, stone, bound Jn. 11:39-44 –No doubt of death and restoration Jn. 12:9-11
Vision of Valley Not an actual resurrection of the dead Dry bones scattered about the valley is testimony to people being dead for a long time Ezek 37:3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest. Pull bones together, put tissue on, flesh on, and put breath in
Saint (Dead in Sins) Sin separates him from God (recent death) Members are unable to get him to repent (remains dead for a longer time) Congregation withdraws fellowship –He does not die at the point of the letter –Like a funeral (acknowledges death and sorrow) Can be restored years later (pray, encourage) –2 Thes. 3:14-15
Dead Congregation Sardis (Rev. 3:1, 4) Inactive: No movement, No spirit No energy, No enthusiasm, No growth Saints will not place membership with them Preachers will not agree to work with them Congregation can be revived with the right influence, not hopeless Eph. 2:12 Need to stir up minds 2 Pet. 3:1