Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2. SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 HH Data Coordinator Training.


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Presentation transcript:

Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 HH Data Coordinator Training Session 3 – Next Forms Jeanne M. Amos CC HH Data Coordinator

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Next Forms = All of the forms we didn’t cover in the first 2 sessions (even though some of them you should already be filling out)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Download forms from the website EXCEPT questionnaires, which are specially printed and mailed to grantees. Let us know when you need more questionnaires.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Forms you should have started already (even though you don’t have to send them to the CC until December): Recruitment Team Meetings Form (R3, Step 1) Recruitment Activities Annual Report (AD1, Step 6) Case Management Team Meetings Form (I1, Step 3)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Recruitment Team Meetings Form (R3, Step 1) Purpose: Provides a record of recruitment team membership, dates of monthly recruitment team meetings, and topics covered during these meetings.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Recruitment Activities Annual Report (AD1, Step 6) Purpose: To evaluate the types of recruitment activities implemented by grantee projects, the relative success of these activities, and their relation to successful project outcomes.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Case Management Team Meetings Form (I1, Step 3) Purpose: Provides a record of Case Management team membership, dates of the monthly team meetings, and topics covered during these meetings

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Forms you should have started IF you have started enrolling participants: Participation Record Form (R2, Step 1) (This form is NOT sent to the CC at all!) Participant Attendance Form (I2, Step 3) Individual Retention Form (I3, Step 3) (These forms are sent to the CC in December.)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Participation Record Form (R2, Step 1) (NOT sent to the CC) Purpose: To assist project staff in keeping track of all of the participant’s forms and questionnaires required throughout the project. To document when each form or questionnaire is completed and submitted to the CC.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Participant Attendance Form (I2, Step 3) Purpose: To track each participant’s attendance at Case Management visits and referrals made at Case Management visits.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Individual Retention Form (I3, Step 3) Purpose: To track a participant’s missed Case Management visits or Honoring the Gift of Heart Health classes, the barriers to participation, and efforts to retain the participant in the project.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Another form you may have started (if you’ve started Retention Activities): Retention Activities Annual Report (AD2, Step 6) (sent to the CC in December)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Retention Activities Annual Report (AD2, Step 6) Purpose: To evaluate the types of retention activities implemented by grantee projects for ALL participants, the relative success of these activities, and their relation to successful project outcomes. (Retention efforts for an individual participant are recorded on the Individual Retention Form.)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Forms in the future: Annual Assessment & Questionnaires Annual (December) Questionnaires

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Annual Assessment/Questionnaires: Participant Annual Assessment of Core Elements (A1) Participant Annual Questionnaire (A2) Family Annual Questionnaire (A3)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Participant Annual Assessment of Core Elements (AACE) (A1, Step 5) Purpose: To assess changes in clinical measures and health behaviors one year (and two years) after the participant’s first Case Management visit.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 How is the Annual Assessment of Core Elements different from the Baseline Assessment? Deleted Questions: FBG, OGTT, risk factors for diabetes Added Questions: Questions about the participant’s intensive activities Both Assessment forms are the same length.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Participant Annual Questionnaire (A2, Step 5) (For Reference Only; Use Scannable Form) Purpose: To assess changes in attitudes and health behaviors one year (and two years) after the participant’s first Case Management visit, and to determine the participant’s experiences in and opinions about the project.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 How is the Participant Annual Questionnaire different from the Participant Baseline Questionnaire? Deleted Questions: Gender, age, tribal affiliation Added Questions: Experiences in project and opinions about project The Participant Annual Questionnaire is longer than the Baseline Questionnaire.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Family Annual Questionnaire (A3, Step 5) (For Reference Only; Use Scannable Form) Purpose: To determine the family member’s impressions of the participant’s experiences in the project and the family member’s opinions about the project, one year (and two years) after the participant’s first Case Management visit.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 How is the Family Annual Questionnaire different from the Family Baseline Questionnaire? Added Questions: Participant’s experiences in the project Family’s reactions to the project The Family Annual Questionnaire is slightly longer than the Baseline Questionnaire. Both are 4 pages long.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Annual (December) Questionnaires: (We will send the scannable forms in October) Provider Annual Questionnaire (AD3) Organization Annual Questionnaire (AD4) Community Annual Questionnaire (AD5)

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Provider Annual Questionnaire (AD3, Step 6) (For Reference Only; Use Scannable Form) Purpose: To determine the providers’ perspectives about the project. Providers include project staff and health/medical providers who implement the project activities and who interact with participants regularly.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Organization Annual Questionnaire (AD4, Step 6) (For Reference Only; Use Scannable Form) Purpose: To identify and describe key organizational factors, management practices and cultural values of grantee projects, and to explore whether these factors may influence project and participant outcomes.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Community Annual Questionnaire (AD5, Step 6) (For Reference Only; Use Scannable Form) Purpose: To identify and describe the attitudes and perspectives of key community stakeholders about the project.

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Next Forms: Questions and Answers