The Napoleonic Wars
France declares war Seditious writing banned Habeas corpus suspended Anti-Jacobin
Why no British Revolution? English society different Already a Bill of Rights French oppose all religion France traditional enemy Revolutionaries inconsistent
Napoleon Bonaparte
Effects in Britain Discouraged domestic reform Encouraged domestic anti-Jacobinism
British War Aims Economic? Political? Ideological? Liberation
Conduct of the War Pitt as war minister Coalition Battle of the Nile (1798) Amiens (1802)
Battle of Trafalgar (1805)
Lord Nelson
Battle of Austerlitz (1805)
The Continental System Blockade against British goods
System Failed Hurt France’s allies Can’t patrol European coast England trades world wide Pushed Russia out of alliance
Sir Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington (1812)
Duke of Wellington
Apsley House
Battle of Waterloo (1815)
Conduct of the Peace Congress of Vienna ( ) Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, France No major grudges Balance of power restored