Dragan Bojić University of Belgrade Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 2 General Projects Characteristics Both for software market and for known customer (outsourcing) Geographically distributed development/testing/deployment Most communication via Internet ( s, ftp,...) Offline integration (no web VCS) Iterative development Alpha release (Prototype) Beta release Production release 1.0 Production release (patch for user XY) Production release 1.1 (new functionality)... „maintenance“ – moving from one release to another
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 3 Supporting processes for the maintenance phase Configuration management & Change Request Management Purpose: „control change to, and maintain integrity of, project artifacts“ (Rational Unified Process) Artifact: intermediate or final work products produced and used during a project Models Documents Source code...
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 4 Configuration Management Process organization at RistanCASE, GmbH About 30 team members Telejob working environment Offline integration
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 5 CM with offline integration – team member actions Team Member NN baseline DAC_5_0_A100 NN's Workspace branch A100NN1 delta file baseline DAC_5_0_A100 1: Store baseline from delivery media to local repository with tailoring 2: Checkout to local workspace 4: Make some changes 5: Checkin to repository 3: Verify & resolve integration conflicts FTP server 6: Send delta for integration Local CM repository
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 6 CM with offline integration Integrator baseline DAC_5_0_A100 Integration Workspace branch A100NN1 delta file 1: Send integration notice 2: Store deltas to local repository 4: Merge NN1 changes 7: Checkin new baseline 5: Merge XY4 changes 6: Resolve integration conflicts FTP server 8: Create distribution Local CM repository branch A100XY4 delta file baseline DAC_5_0_A101 3: Checkout to workspace
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 7 Configuration Management- Access Control A Workspace: defines access rights to individual artifacts (not accessible at all, read only, read-write). Associated with groups of team members: wDEV – developers workspace (source code files, models, etc) wDEV_SubsystemX – part od wDEV assoc with a particular subsystem (component) wTST – test team member workspace (test specs, test cases, etc) wDOC – user documentation workspace wMGR – manager workspace (plans, reports, etc) .access file for mapping project directories and individual artifacts to workspaces: di\adg\di\cadg\lib | wDEV wDEV_ADG+ di\adg\di\cadg\mdl\configuration.cat | wDEV_ADG .workspace file for mapping workspaces to team members DB wMNG wDEV wDEV_SA wDEV_MTR wDOC DG wDEV wDEV_PM wDEV_UDA wDEV_SUP wDEV_SC Chmod like tool for integrator to manage access rigths
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 8 Configuration Management- Baseline and branch identification DAC_5_0_A001NN2 Project Name (DAC) Mayor release (5) Minor release (0) Promotion level (explained below) (A) Baseline identifier (001) For branches, initials of team member and branch number (NN2) Promotion level: an attribute of the baseline Indicates its quality or stability A – alpha (internal integration, instable working baseline) B – beta (distributed to selected outside users) R – release candidate (released after testing and decision of product team)
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 9 Change Management Change Request: submitted request for new features, enhancements, defect elimination,... Submitted by customers (via support), developers, testers, managers,... Several hundred change requests between two mayor releases Need to formalize and systematically process each
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 10 Change M. - Assesment CR SubmitterProject ManagerProduct Team Sends RCLS mail - topic #50CRALL# Forms 1 and 2 Assigns id NNNN, opens topic #36CRNNNN# Status: Open Assesment Sends request via topic #36CRNNNN# forms 1 i 2 Status: Open need more info Submitter replies Study CR PT decides Fills in form 3, status Dissaproved Fills in form 3, status Deffered Decision Sends notice via topic #36CRNNNN# deferred rejected deferred Status: Approved, fills in form 3 Planning the realization rejected accepted Form 1-3 Status: PT to decide
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 11 Chg M. - Realization CR SubmitterProject ManagerImplementer Inititates implementation via #36CRNNNN/DEV# (form 4) Status Assigned Assesment, then implementation Completion report (succeed fail) via #36CRNNNN/DEV# form 4 Status Assesment more activities needed Sends report (Form 4) via #36CRNNNN# Status: Rejected Verifier Status: Completed form 5 u #36CRNNNN/SQA# Failure Verification Completion report (succed, fail) via #36CRNNNN/SQA# (form 2) Success Status assesment Updates plans Send report (Form 4) via #36CRNNNN# Status: Closed Verification Passed Sends Report (form 4) via #36CRNNNN/ DEV# Status: Verification Failed Verif. failed
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 12 Chg M. – Change Request States
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 13 Form 1: for CR Submitter
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 14 Form 2: for Verifier
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 15 Form 3: for Managers
Dragan Bojić, Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects 16 Form 4: for Implementer