MuTek BugTrapper
Win32 API Debugging support IMAGEHLP
Debugging support Run process from the debugger or attach to an active process. Control process execution applying debug events. Get exception notification.
Debugging API CreateProcess(), DebugActiveProcess() WaitForDebugEvent() ContinueDebugEvent() ReadProcessMemory(), WriteProcessMemory() OutputDebugString()
Debug events Exception Process/Thread create Process/Thread exit Load/Unload DLL Debug string
CreateProcess( … ) / DebugActiveProcess( … ) while ( 1 ) { DEBUG_EVENT Evnt; WaitForDebugEvent( &Evnt ); /* Treat debug event */ ContinueDebugEvent( &Evnt ); }
IMAGEHLP DLL Win32 -based executable (image) files are structured according to the Portable Executable (PE) format. The ImageHlp library provides API to manipulate with the PE images.
ImageHlp functions SymInitialize(), SymCleanup() MapDebugInformation(), SymLoadModule() SymGetModuleInfo(), SymEnumerateSymbols() SymGetSymFromName(), SymGetSymFromAddr() StackWalk()
Summary The debugging support and ImageHlp DLL provide simple and efficient method of testing and debugging tools creation for the Win32 applications.