GEPT Speaking Exam Practice 全民英檢口語 Intermediate Level By Cathy Chang
Outline Part I: 閱讀短文Part I: 閱讀短文 –Sample 1 –Sample 2 Part II: 回答問題Part II: 回答問題 –Q1-Q5 –Q6-Q10 Part III: 看圖敘述Part III: 看圖敘述 –Sample 1
Part I: 短文朗讀 Instructions 請先利用 1 分鐘的時間閱讀下面的短文, 然後在 2 分鐘內以正常的速度, 清楚正確的朗讀下面的短文。
Sample 1
Sample 2
Part II: 回答問題 Instructions 共有 10 題。每題播出 2 次。 第 1 至第 5 題,每題回答時間 15 秒; 第 6 至第 10 題,每題回答時間 30 秒。 回答時,不一定要用完整的句子, 但請在作答時間內儘量的表達。
Questions 1~5 Q1: What makes you happy? Q2: Do you like to go swimming in the summer? Q3: Do you spend a lot of money buying clothes and accessories? Q4: Do you think it is good for a person to make friends through the Internet? Why or why not? Q5: Are you aware of any of your personality flaws? If so, what is it?
Questions 6~10 Q6: Tell me one thing you are satisfied with yourself. Explain why. Q7: Have you ever bought anything from the Internet? Q8: Where is your hometown? What do you like or dislike about it? Q9: Where was the best vacation you ever had? Q10: Why do you want to take the GEPT exam?
Part III: 看圖敘述 Instructions 下面有一張圖片及四個相關的問題, 請在 1 分半鐘內完成作答。 請利用 30 秒的時間看圖及問題
Sample 1
References Materials from Paul’s and Christine’s files –