Volunteering How does voluntary work enhance an application to University?
Russell Commission and ‘v’ 47% of young people volunteer Millennium Volunteers Duke of Edinburgh Award Sports young people volunteer at a similar, or higher, rate when compared to older people. (Institute for Volunteering Research 2004:iii)
1.Young people are involved in a range of voluntary activities, especially sport, hobbies, recreation and arts, and social clubs. 2.They also volunteer in children's activities, both in and outside schools. 3.The setting is both in the community and for charities. Typical activities: organising or helping to run an activity or event, raising or handling money, offering practical help, giving advice or information and counselling 4.Young people who do volunteer have a wider appreciation of its scope and potential. They are less likely to stereotype volunteers as white middle class middle aged women. 5.Young people emphasise that volunteers are likely to be younger people because they have more free time. 1.Growing evidence of adult decision making 2.Understanding of child 3.Skills in negotiation with others, evidence of autonomy, listening 4.Evidence of growing fairness and inclusion 5.Positive activit y
Why do courses want to know? 1.Some courses require evidence of experience to decide suitability: do you like teenagers? 2.Shows learning beyond the classroom. 3.Shows people skills 4.Shows self starting capacity 5.Good indicator of capacity to grasp knowledge and analysis in the discipline 6.Ability to think about complex and ambiguous social settings
Personal statement 1.What did you learn? 2.What would you like to do next? 3.Why? 4.What would you like to learn more about? 5.Why? 6.How did it change your view of other people?