Tucannon Endemic Steelhead – An Integrated Program picture
Background ESA listings (Snake, Mid-Columbia) 1999 Hatchery Bi-OP ruled that LSRCP steelhead stocks constituted “jeopardy” to the wild populations (Snake ESU), new broodstocks (localized) should be pursued. Hatchery production stock (LFH and Wallowa) returns were generally exceeding LSRCP Goal’s. Started test trapping for endemic broodstock feasibility on the Tucannon and Touchet rivers (1999). Interim agreements with co-managers 5-year test to evaluate each before programs were expanded 50,000 smolt release per year HGMP development Reductions in standard production stocks while increasing localized stocks
01Tucannon 04Tucannon 05Tucannon 99Touchet 00Touchet 01Touchet 02Touchet 03Touchet 04Touchet 05Touchet 99LyonsFerry 05LyonsFerry 02LyonsFerry 04LyonsFerry 98/99Lyons Ferry 02Tucannon 03Tucannon 98/99 Tucannon Tucannon Genetic Information
Evaluation of Program Success Pit tag data Trap site data
Long-term and Current Objectives? Long Term 150,000 total release goal (50,000 conservation component) (100,000 marked for harvest) Current 75,000 for conservation
Tucannon River Harvest Opportunities Lyons Ferry Stock Steelhead: Last juvenile released in lower Tucannon River occurred in 2009 (100,000) Tucannon Stock Steelhead: Release juveniles for harvest?
Facility Impacts Hatchery improvements / upgrades (LSRCP obligated until BPA picks up conservation component?) Tucannon -vs- Lyons Ferry Hatchery Rearing to full term
Questions ? Could LSRCP or other co-managers helped in this situation to avoid the loss of fishing opportunities? Will we be able to move forward with the harvest component without an up to date WDFW Steelhead management plan in place?