Kapi’olani Community College Macromedia Flash 1 In-class Presentation Week 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Kapi’olani Community College Macromedia Flash 1 In-class Presentation Week 1

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Introduction  Class Description:  Learn how to animate and make a simple interactive flash web site using Macromedia Flash, the industry standard 2D web animation software package. Beginning with the basics we will discuss and use a variety of animation techniques and methods for adding interactivity using Flash. Applications: Macromedia Flash and Adobe Illustrator. Platform: Both PC and MAC.  What do you want to get out of this class?

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Introduction  My vision:  Quick intro to Flash basics & fundamentals  Tips & Tricks  How to properly set up a flash document  How to design for flash  How to create visually smooth tweens  How to create masks & animate them  How to create motion guides  How to create smart graphics, movie clips, & buttons  How to publishplace your flash movie onto a web page  Intro to actionscripting  How to do create a simple flash web site  Flash 2  More actionscripting  How to create a more advanced & complex flash web site (tutorial)

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: In-class examples  Full Interface example:   Partial Interface example:   Flash for film/tv example: 

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Intro to Flash Basics & Fundamentals  What is Flash?  Application vs. the Flash Player  Why do we use Flash?  Why not use HTML instead?  What are some advantages of using flash?  Visual creativity is unlimited  Cross-platform and cross-browser compatible  What are some disadvantages of using flash?  Maintenance  Accessibility

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Computer Graphics Fundamentals  Raster vs. Vector graphics  Does everyone know and understand the difference?  Flash is a 2D vector graphics animation program.

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Intro to Macromedia Flash  Intro to the Interface  Stage  Timeline  Layers  Tools Panel  Properties Panel (changes depending upon what is selected)  Libraries Panel  Actions Panel  Info Panel  Other Panels

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Intro to Macromedia Flash  Notable new features:  Tabbed Panels  Gradient Control  Filters  Effects  More Controlled Tweening  Many New Video features

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Flash Fundamentals  Working with Flash  Clicking on the timeline vs. elements on the stage  Keyboard shortcuts  How to set up your workspace layout & save it  How to set up your document properties  Shapes vs. Symbols  Instance vs. Instance Behavior  Graphics, Movie clips, and Buttons  Keyframes  Shape tweens vs. motion tweens (interpolation)  The correct way to make an invisible button

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: In-class Exercise  Tweening 1.Simple Shape Tween  Circle to a square  Character to a character 2.Simple Motion Tween  Graphic symbol to a graphic symbol using:  Rotate  Scale  Position

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Assignment  PLAY AROUND IN FLASH!!  create a few animations for fun.  Register at adobe.com to get a username and password  Go to the flash dvnet site:  Watch the intro video entitled “Flash Workspace Tour On Demand presentation”

Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 1 In-class Presentation :: Next Week  Masking & Animated Masks  Motion Guides  Nesting Graphics  Controlling your tweens  Intro to Actionscripting