Matakuliah : G1184 Travel Management Tahun : 2005 Pertemuan ke-: Chapter 4 (Power Point 11.1) Pokok Bahasan: Putting the Package Together Materi: Planning a Program of Package Holidays Contracting Accommodation Contracting Flight Seats Chartering Cruise Ships Contracting Hire Cars The Role of Ground Handling Agents Creating and Maintaining a Quality Product Fire, Safety and Hygiene Standards Overseas Itinerary
Learning Outcomes Chapter 4 (Power Point 11.2) Pada akhir pertemuan ke-12, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : mengaplikasikan langkah-langkah dalam menyusun suatu package holiday (TIK 18) menjelaskan 3 jenis kontrak dalam accommodation (TIK 19) membedakan 3 macam kontrak dalam penjualan tempat duduk di kapal terbang (TIK 20) menjelaskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kontrak cruise (TIK 21) menjelaskan mengenai kontrak penyewaan mobil (TIK 22) menyatakan peranan agen dalam ground handling (TIK 23) menyusun suatu produk wisata yang berkwalitas (TIK 24) mengidentifikasi standard-standard internasional untuk keamanan dalam hal kebakaran, keamanan, dan kebersihan (TIK 25) menyusun suatu itinerary yang efektif dan efisien (TIK 26)
(Power Point 11.3) To allow time for contracting beds and seats, production of brochure and a marketing push, a company will start planning between 12 to 18 months before the first expected departure.
(Power Point 11.4) Operators should introduce new programs, because: 1.Fashions change and a resort which was popular one year may not be the next 2.A program with no changes to it can quickly look stale 3.Diversification avoids the risk of an entire program falling foul of some external hiccough
(Power Point 11.5) Steps to decide a product mix: 1. Decide the destinations and resorts 2. Decide the type of accommodation 3. Decide in what proportions the type of accommodation is 4. Decide the dates
(Power Point 11.6) Putting together the holiday program involves: - contracting flight seats - contracting hotel beds - contracting seats on transfer coaches - lots of smaller details
(Power Point 11.7) Beds contract 1. Commitment 2. Allocation 3. Ad hoc rooms
(Power Point 11.8) The cost of accommodation usually represents a high proportion of a package holiday price.
(Power Point 12.1) Owning an airline is not as high-risk a strategy for big operators as buying into hotels, because if a destination falls from favour they can re-route the aircraft to those which have become more poular. If necessary, they can also subcontract surplus seats to other operators.
(Power Point 12.2) Even when an operator owns its own airline, it may still need to buy in seats from other airlines on routes where it doesn’t have enough seats or doesn’t fly the right planes
(Power Point 12.3) Features offerred by charter airlines: Seats with more leg-space Seat pitch of 30 inches Seats reclining by as much as 5’5” Meals served on good quality, reusable trays Free wine, buck’s fizz or soft drinks Free ice-cream Free in-flight entertainment Free amenity kits with slipperettes and eyeshades Fold-up aisle armrests for easier access Washrooms suitable for disabled travellers Free newspapers
(Power Point 12.4) Contract of Charter Flights’ Seats 1. Time-series charters 2. Part charters 3. Ad hoc chartering
(Power Point 12.5) Air Brokers are: Specialists who not only are involved in tour operating, but also buy and sell flight seats or simply organise contracts for other operators
(Power Point 12.6) TM 8 Each group arrange an itinerary ! (assignment # A page 61) (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 12 th session)
(Power Point 12.7) TM 9 International Travel Tips & Safety (1) 1. State 9 tips to arrange before taking a trip, in order to make the trip easier and safer? (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 13 th session)
(Power Point 12.8) TM 9 International Travel Tips & Safety (2) 2. Explain briefly the 3 aspects to learn about, before visiting a foreign country? (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 13 th session)
(Power Point 12.9) TM 9 International Travel Tips & Safety (3) 3. What are the 4 things to arrange before traveling abroad? (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 13 th session)
(Power Point 12.10) TM 10 Each pair discuss assignment #1 page 58: choose 3 short-haul destinations, write the pros dan cons of each chosen destination ! (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 12 th session)
(Power Point 12.11) TM 11 Do assignment #2 page 58: Choose 1 destination, then decide the suitable beds dan seats contracting, together with the reasons to choose ! (individual assignment, to be submitted on the 12 th session)