BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/1 Hadron Production Cross-Sections and Secondary Particle Yields from 2 to 15 GeV using Neutrino Beam Targets The HARP Experiment –Physics goals and motivations –Summary of the experimental program –Detector overview and performance The fist physics analysis: pion yields from K2K target –Goals –Results Alessandra Tonazzo, Università Roma Tre and INFN On behalf of the HARP Collaboration
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/2 HARP physics goals Precise (~2-3% error) measurement of d 2 /dp T dp L for secondary HAdRon Production by incident p and ± with –Beam momentum from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c –Large range of target materials, from Hydrogen to Lead ►Acceptance over the full solid angle ►Final state particle identification
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/3 Input for prediction of neutrino fluxes for the MiniBooNE and K2K experiments Pion/Kaon yield for the design of the proton driver and target system of Neutrino Factories and SPL- based Super-Beams Input for precise calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux (from yields of secondary ,K) Input for Monte Carlo generators (GEANT4, e.g. for LHC or space applications) HARP Physics Motivations
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/4 Data taking summary K2K: AlMiniBoone: BeLSND: H 2 O 5% 50% 100% Replica 5% 50% 100% Replica 10% 100% GeV/c+8.9 GeV/c+1.5 GeV/c SOLID: CRYOGENIC: EXP: HARP took data at the CERN PS T9 beamline in Total: 420 M events, ~300 settings
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/5 The HARP Experiment 124 physicists24 institutes
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/6 The HARP Experiment
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/7 The HARP detector layout TRACKING + PARTICLE ID at Large angle and Forward
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/8 Beam detectors Beam tracking with MWPCs : –96% tracking efficiency using 3 planes out of 4 –Resolution <100 m MiniBoone target TOF-A CKOV-A CKOV-B TOF-B 21.4 m T9 beam MWPCs
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/9 Beam particle selection Beam TOF: –separate /K/p at low energy over 21m flight distance –time resolution 170 ps after TDC and ADC equalization –proton selection purity >98.7% Beam Cherenkov: –Identify electrons at low energy, at high energy, K above 12 GeV –~100% eff. in e- tagging 3 GeV/c beam K 12.9 GeV/c beam K p d
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/10 Status of TPC p T /p T p dE/dx Elastic scattering of 3 GeV p and on H 2 target Missing mass m x 2 = ( p beam + p target – p TPC ) Red: using dE/dx for PID pp pp pppp
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/11 Analysis for K2K: motivations Computation of fluxes at SK is based on near/far ratio R –For pointlike source (no oscillations), R~1/r 2 –If the near detector does not see a pointlike source, R depends on E Current K2K computation of R is based on MC –Confirmed by production measurement (pion monitor) at E >1 GeV –Extrapolated to E <1 GeV : the interesting region for oscillations ! beam 250km
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/12 Analysis for K2K: motivations
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/13 Analysis for K2K: interesting region K2K needs measurement of pions with E>1 GeV E<4.5 GeV <300 mrad ►Forward region Main tracking detectors: drift chambers PID detectors: TOF, Cherenkov, calorimeter Dip from neutrino oscillations in K2K they come from decay of these pions:
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/14 P > 1 GeV K2K interest K2K interest Forward acceptance dipole NDC1 NDC2 B x z A particle is accepted if it reaches the second module of the drift chambers
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/15 Forward Tracking: NDC Reused NOMAD Drift Chambers 12 planes per chamber, wires at 0°,±5° w.r.t. vertical Hit efficiency ~80% (limited by non-flammable gas mixture) –stable in time –lowered by high particle flux –recovered between spills –correctly reproduced in the simulation Alignment with cosmics and beam muons drift distance resolution ~340 m Plane efficiencies Side modules
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/16 Forward tracking dipole magnet NDC1 NDC2 B x z NDC5 beam target Top view 1 2 NDC3 NDC4 Plane segment 3 3 track types depending on the nature of the matching object upstream the dipole Track-Track Track-Plane segment Track-Target/vertex Aim: recover as much efficiency as possible and avoid dependencies on track density in 1st NDC module (hadron model dependent)
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/17 The momentum and angular resolutions are well within the K2K requirements MC data 1 type No vertex constraintincluded MC momentum resolution angular resolution Forward tracking: resolution
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/18 Only particles with no track downstream the dipole do not enter into the game (~2%). –This 2% should be quite independent of the track density (hadron model dependent) because tracks downstream the dipole are uncorrelated Downstream tracking efficiency ~98% Up-downstream matching efficiency ~75% We have been working to improve it by: 1.Alignment 2.Optimizing matching cuts Tracking efficiency track is known at the level of 5%
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/19 Total tracking efficiency as a function of p(left) and x (right) computed using MC (2 hadron generators) properly scaled by data Total tracking efficiency Green: type 1 Blue: type 2 Red: type 3 Black: sum of normalized efficiency for each type
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/20 Forward PID: Cherenkov Separate /p at large momenta 31 m 3 filled with C 4 F 10 (n=1.0014) Light collection: mirrors+Winston cones → 38 PMTs in 2 rows LED flashing system for calibration mass is a free parameter nominal threshold N pe → 21 p (GeV/c) Number of photoelectrons e+e+ ++ 3 GeV beam particles p p ++ 5 GeV beam particles N phel data
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/21 Forward PID: TOF Wall Calibration / equalization –Cosmic ray runs (every 2-3 months) –Laser (continuous: monitor stability) TOF time resolution ~160 ps =>3 separation of /p (K/ ) up to 4.5 (2.4) GeV/c =>7 separation of /p at 3 GeV/c Separate /p (K/ ) at low momenta 42 slabs of fast scintillator read at both ends by PMTs 3 GeV beam particles data p
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/22 Forward PID: Calorimeter Pb/fibre: 4/1 –EM1: 62 modules, 4 cm thick –EM2: 80 modules, 8 cm thick Total 16 X 0 Reused from CHORUS Calibration with cosmic rays: –Measurement of attenuation length in fibers –Module equalization Energy resolution 23%/sqrt(E) intrinsic resolution 15%/sqrt(E) convoluted with beam spread at detector entrance electrons pions 3 GeV data
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/23 tof cerenkov calorimeter momentum distribution Using the Bayes theorem: 1.5 GeV 3 GeV 5 GeV data we use the beam detectors to establish the “true” nature of the particle Forward PID: efficiency and purity Iterative approach: dependence on the prior removed after few iterations j -(t) = N j -true-obs / N j -true j -(t) = N j -true-obs / N j -obs j -(t) / j -(t)
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/24 pion efficiency The 3 types of tracks must be treated separately because of the different momentum resolution pion purity pion yield tracking efficiency migration matrix (not computed yet) acceptance depend on momentum resolution i = bin of true (p, ) j = bin of recosntructed (p, ) The cross section
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/25 To be decoupled from absorption and reinteraction effects we have used a thin target p-e/ misidentification background K2K replica target 5% Al target 200% Al target Raw data p > 0.2 GeV/c | y | < 50 mrad 25 < | x | < 200 mrad Pion yield
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/26 5% Al target p > 0.2 GeV/c | y | < 50 mrad 25 < | x | < 200 mrad Pion yield After PID correction Afterefficiencycorrection
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/27 Pion yield Afteracceptancecorrection 5% Al target p > 0.2 GeV/c | y | < 50 mrad 25 < | x | < 200 mrad Systematics are still to be evaluated: tracking efficiency know to 5% expect small effect from PID
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/28 Conclusions The HARP Experiment has collected data for hadron production measurements with a wide range of beam energies and targets Status of detector –Forward region: good tracking and PID –Large angle: much recent progress First physics results are available: thin (5% ) K2K target –Using forward region of the detector To do –Compute data deconvolution and migration matrix –Evaluate systematic errors –Analyse empty target data for background subtraction –Investigate =0 region: saturation effects due to beam particle removal –Introduce normalization for absolute cross-section (using min.bias trigger) –… go on to full statistics, and to the rest of the data !
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/29 Backup
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/30 The efficiency of NDC2 and NDC5 is flat within ~5%. The efficiency of the lateral modules (3 and 4) is flat within 10% The combined efficiency is not sensitive to these variations. NDC 2 NDC 5 NDC 4 NDC 3 data NDC module efficiency NDC2 NDC5 NDC3 NDC4 dipole
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/31 NDC2 NDC5 NDC3 NDC4 MC dipole moduleacceptancemoduleefficiency Module acceptance / Downstream eff.
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/32 data MC x 2, x2 Up-downstream matching efficiency We need to convert x 2 and x2 to p and . For that we use the MC
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/33 Probability of matching a downstream track with the other side of the dipole dipole magnet NDC1 NDC2 B x z NDC5 beam target Top view 1 NDC3 NDC4 2D segment 2 3 MC and data agree within ~3% in their shapes We tune to the DATA the absolute scale of each track type MCdata + Up-down matching efficiency
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/34 CalorimeterCkov TOF The different pid detectors are independent of each other Using the Bayes theorem Measured quantities Particle types Forward PID: continuous probability
BEACH04 Chicago, June 28-July A.Tonazzo - HARP pion yields for neutrino beams/35 P( p, | ) from TOF = m 2 / p 2 with P( p,N phe | ) from Cherenkov P( p, E 1, E 2 ) from Calorimeter Line : true PID Colored histograms: reconstructed PID 3 GeV p eK Step 1Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Product of conditional probabilities and relative abundances Iterative Bayesian approach: dependence on the prior removed after few iterations Forward PID: iterative procedure