Skills Why this class should have been viewed as a different kind of class.
Two-thirds of employers (63 percent) say college graduates lack essential skills to succeed in today’s global economy, according to a new report by the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education and America’s Promise, or LEAP, and the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
College graduates will need much more cross-disciplinary knowledge and an advanced set of communication and analytical skills to apply their knowledge to real-world problems, says the report.
Other findings of the poll say that 76 percent of business leaders want colleges to “place more emphasis” on teamwork skills in diverse groups; 82 percent want emphasis on science and technology; more than 70 percent of employers want colleges to emphasize critical and analytical reasoning, as well as creativity and innovation.
Students need to work in diverse teams to solve complex problems … and not too many know how to do that in order to negotiate a complex global environment, A separate survey shows that 72 percent of recent college graduates say the main aim for colleges should be to provide a balance of both a well-rounded education and knowledge/skills in a specialized field.