3. shaping influence of culture and language - concepts with particular resonances (e.g. resulting from historical experience, institutions and traditions in the structuring of knowledge) - structuring metaphors - myths, stories At least four locations of frames in the communication process: communicator, text, receiver, culture (Entman 1993, p. 52)
What are the principal/ master frames in environmental communication?
Common frames in the literature of climate change - apocalyptic - pastoral/ elegiac - conspiracy/ critique of elites Mobilising narratives in climate change literature - lamenting Eden (appeals to nostalgia) - presaging apocalypse (fear) - constructing Babel (pride) - celebrating Jubilee (sense of justice) (Hulme 2009)
Two examples of literary framing 1. W.G. Sebald, The Rings of Saturn, translated by Michael Hulse, London: Harvill, 1998
They were perfectly docile and needed neither cages nor compounds, and they were suitable for a variety of experiments (weighing, measuring and so forth) at every stage in their evolution. They could be used to illustrate the structure and distinctive features of insect anatomy, insect domestication, retrogressive mutations, and the essential measures which are taken by breeders to monitor productivity and selection, including extermination to pre-empt racial degeneration. (Rings of Saturn, pp. 293f.)
2. Ian McEwan, Solar, London: Vintage, 2010