Surface Activity of Solutes Solute, c oo Solutes that decrease surface tension are called “surfactants” Solute, c
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Adsorption More solute we have less surface tension (free energy) is - favorable As a result solute concentrates onto surface - adsorption More solute we have more surface tension (free energy) is - unfavorable Solute is repelled by surface
Specific Adsorption - thickness of adsorption layer Solute concentration, c Surface concentration, c Surface area, “Volume” of adsorption layer, . Specific adsorption,
Adsorption Isotherms Langmuir isotherm (for a solution) (for a gas) c or p max
More Adsorption Isotherms c or P (a) Langmuir(b) Multilayer formation (c) “Positive cooperativity” (d) Hysteresis first layer