1928 Election (R) Herbert Hoover Continued prosperity “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” (D) Al Smith Catholic from New York
HOOVER Wins Continues economic policies Low taxes, high tariffs Economic trouble under the surface…
Stock Market Crash October 29, 1929
Hoover’s Philosophy Rugged individualism – idea that people did not want help … degrading to get assistance from the government NOT the job of government to offer direct relief Churches and charitable organizations should feed, cloth , help Bad precedent for government to grow large enough o do what was needed
Cautious Action Urged business leaders to work together to solve the crisis Boulder Dam Federal Project to dam the Colorado River Pay workers with profit from selling electricity One of the first federal works programs Government aid to banks and businesses, but NOT individuals
Bonus Army WW I veterans were promised a bonus payment for their service Bonus was to be paid in 1945 Veterans wanted it NOW when they needed it March on Washington Hoover called out the army to disburse them … tear gas, shots fired, tanks, casualties
Election of 1932 (R) Herbert Hoover “Prosperity is just around the corner” (D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) New Deal Had polio, wheel chair, inspiring speaker