Presented by: 1. San Min Vocational High School (SMVHS) 2. Okinawa Shogaku High School (OSHS) 3. Kaohsiung Girls’ High School (KGHS) SMVHS OSHS KGHS
Team leader: Jenny Wu Teacher: Joyce Teammates : Lynn, Tina, Fini, Jason, Linda, Joanna, Dora, Tamy, Winnie, Xedia, Jenny
Thanksgiving Tree Tree House Green Tunnel Beautiful Buildings
Kaohsiung City Map SMVHS
Presented by SMVHS
When the population of 65 years and over exceeds 7% of the country population, the country will be an aging society.
Situation in Asian countries NationPop. of Age 65+Rank in AsiaRank in the world Japan20%12 Taiwan10%451 Korea, South10%451 Indonesia5%2095 Malaysia4%28119 From: 2006 World Population Data Sheet, Population Reference Bureau
Situation in Taiwan & Japan
1. How is the problem of aging of population in your country?
2-1. Does your family have people older than 65 years old?
2-2. If you do, does the economic load of your family increase because of them?
3. Are you satisfied with the government’s measures for welfare of the elder?
4. Do you have brothers or sisters in your family? How many?
5. Are you willing to have a child in the future?
1.Low birth rate
2. Advanced Medicine
More Awareness for Health Care
Labor force decrease Social welfare system, medical system, and infrastructures will no longer operate well and meet the needs of the elderly People have no sufficient money after retirement Poverty gap expand
1. Create good economic and educational environment for children and relieve burdens of rearing children for young couples
2. Formulate a set of laws for the welfare of the elder
3. Consider the need of old people before building any infrastructures
4. Develop business related to the elder
4. For the Youth: → Study Hard → Work Hard →Save Money → Enjoy Retirement Life
S ociety In P resent Japanese s ociety The Increasing gap between the rich and poor Aging of Society Declining birth rate
W hat is N EET ? Not in Employment Education or Training Non-workers who are between 15~34 years old. Graduated, unmarried, and people who don’t go to any kind of School Does No chores at home ※ There are many definitions for NEET and the population depends on the definition.
Q1. Have you ever heard of the word “NEET” ? (1) Yes, I have. (2) I think I have. (3) No, I haven’t.
T he P opulation of NEET 847 thousand NEET (renewed 2005) 670 thousand people(1992) 850 thousand people (2002/Increase) The young (15~19 years old) Decreased from 180 to 120 thousand The middle aged group (30~34 years old Increased from 120 to 230 thousand.
Q2. Do you think “NEET” will increase? (1)It will increase greatly. (2)It will increase a little. (3)It won’t change. (4)It will decrease a little. (5)It will decrease greatly.
NEET in F oreign C ountries The word NEET was first used in England at the end of 1990 NEET exist in most developing nations
P roblems Their cost of living is paid for by their parents and the government Because NEET don’t work, Japan lacks labor Don’t pay insurance Budgetary Deficit The Aging of Society
C ause of the I ncreasing number of “NEET” School Education Family Relations Employment Opportunity
Q3 How do you feel about the fact “NEET” has increased in the last couple of years? (1)It is a big problem (2)It is a problem (3)It won’t be too much of a problem (4)It won’t be a problem at all (5)I don’t know Q4 What most likely caused “NEET” to increase? (1) School education (2 )Family (3) Community (4) The government and community policy (5) Economic conditions such as depression (6) The changes in society (7) I don’t know Questionnaire Survey (Attitude Survey)
Q5 What will most likely effect the increase in “NEET” cause? (1) More crime (2) A breakdown in social security (3) A decrease in economic growth (4) A decrease in international competition (5) A decrease in knowledge and technology (6) It won’t effect society too much (7) I don’t know
C ause of the I ncrease in NEET is S ocial P roblems!! Reasons why NEET can’t get jobs Effect of an Occupation Glacial Era Limited job Availability (except for new graduates) Employment priority given to people with work experiences
M easures against NEET Measures in Japan “Career Start Week” Problems All too formal and don’t work well Japan has a wrong Idea about NEET !!
Q6 What would you most likely do if your friend or family member was a “NEET” ? (1)Leave it to his/ her will (2)Talk with him/her sufficiently (3)Ask school for help (4)Ask community for help (5)Talk to people with the same problem (6)I don’t know. Q7. What is the most important thing we need to work on for “NEET” ? (1) Look over family surroundings (2) Look over compulsory education system (3) Look over higher education system (4) Reinforce vocational schools’ system (5) Reinforce community’s association (6) I don’t know.
Communication with family is very important to prevent the increase in NEET. Well, what can the society do?
C omparison of B udget for Y outh Japan’s budget is the lowest!! JapanU.SU.KGermanyFrance Swede n
C onclusion NEET doesn’t work ↓ Can’t support children ↓ Declining birth rate ↓ Aging of society ↓ Japan’s economy is in Danger ↓ is In
The Rich VS. The Poor By Fifteen Cents
The Poor
The Rich
Look at this family. Look at that family. What made them so poor, and what made them so rich? Let’s take a look at it from the historical point of view.
Agricultural Society The more land you had, the richer you were.
The identities of landlords and farmers were in a great contrast. Landlords and their children were always the rich; farmers had to settle for such harsh conditions.
Can the next generation make a difference?
Industrial Society If you had capital, you were the bosses. If you didn’t, you were the laborers.
The bosses exploited the laborers. The bosses made a lot of money, but the laborers still remained inferior, receiving little salary.
Will the world become fair in a new era?
Computer Age You need to have the knowledge to use the high-tech equipment.
Nowadays, as we proceed to the era of information explosion, such problems seem to become more and more serious.
Solution - Government More job opportunities. Better social welfare system. Equal education opportunities.
Solution - NGOs ‧ Distribution
Solution - Individual Donation Volunteer work
As long as we contribute, the world will become a better place!