Portfolios A method of assessment for post-registration health professional education Michelle Green Michelle Green
Objectives To present a summary of a survey in relation to student perceptions of the value of a portfolio as an educational tool To discuss the advantages and challenges of this type of assessment To highlight areas where portfolio assessment requires development and further research
Who uses portfolios and for what purposes ?
Survey Postal questionnaire to investigate the experiences of qualified nurses compiling a portfolio for summative assessment and their perception of its impact on their learning Ethics committee approval obtained Comprised 18 closed questions 2 open questions 70 questionnaires sent out 48% response rate
Cited benefits of portfolio assessment Supports a learner centred approach to education Supports Department of Health objectives for lifelong learning and learning in the work place Supports experiential learning and linking theory to practice Individualises a programme of study and fits with the experience and needs of the student Developed over time, allowing reflection and personal and professional growth
Challenges of portfolio assessment for students Students have difficulty ‘unlearning’ their dependence on tutors Perceived heavy workload encourages strategic learning Success may be dependent students ability to reflect Students feel unsure what is expected of them in
Challenges of portfolio assessment for lecturers Demanding role to facilitate portfolio development Time consuming method of assessment to mark Reliability of marking; issues are exacerbated if –the portfolio is awarded more than a pass/ fail –clinical assessment of the student is incorporated
Summary of results The good…. Over 70% felt the portfolio allowed them to build on current knowledge and experience definitely or to some extent 85% students felt the portfolio was an effective tool for linking theory to practice 59% felt their confidence in reflecting on practice was enhanced
Summary of results The bad…. Previous experience of compiling a portfolio did not influence student responses Only 9% felt well supported structuring the portfolio and only 3% felt well prepared regarding content 47% of respondents felt their motivation would have been increased if they had received a mark rather than a pass/fail
Summary of results The ugly! It was the least popular method of assessment (from a choice of essay, exam, presentation, portfolio) Most students felt the workload was heavy for the academic credit awarded 3 students stated that they were unable to identify any way in which completing the portfolio had supported their learning
Assessment Issues Standardisation required for summative assessment reduces individuality and originality of portfolios Workload/volume of paperwork Clarifying what is expected regarding structure and content Success often dependent on students skills of reflection Weaker students require clear structure, but this can be a barrier to the more able student
Assessment Issues Need for assessment criteria Assessor reliability when marking work that requires complex and multiple tasks Awarding a mark impossible, but broader bands may be achievable Further complicated if practice is to be graded Portfolios as a method of assessment vary between and even within educational institutions