July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Steps Toward a U.S. Bid to Host Presentation by Jonathan Dorfan, SLAC Monday July 14, 2003 At American.


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Presentation transcript:

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Steps Toward a U.S. Bid to Host Presentation by Jonathan Dorfan, SLAC Monday July 14, 2003 At American Linear Collider Workshop

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop US Linear Collider Steering Group Accelerator Sub-committee Chair: Dugan International Affairs Sub-committee Chair: Tigner Detector/Physics Sub-committee Chairs: Oreglia Brau Executive Committee Jonathan Bagger, Jim Brau, Sally Dawson, David Burke, Jonathan Dorfan (Chair), Gerry Dugan, Jerry Friedman, Jim Gates, Steve Holmes, Young-Kee Kim, Dan Marlow, Mark Oreglia, Maury Tigner, Mike Witherell, Harvey Lynch (Exec Secretary)

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Meeting Dates 30 May 2002 FNAL30 May 2002 FNAL 29 Jun :00 to 22:00 PDT UCSC/telephone29 Jun :00 to 22:00 PDT UCSC/telephone 08 Aug :00 to 10:00 and 12:00 to 15:00 PDT by telephone08 Aug :00 to 10:00 and 12:00 to 15:00 PDT by telephone 23 Sep :30 to 14:00 PDT by telephone23 Sep :30 to 14:00 PDT by telephone 25 Nov :30 to 12:30 PST by telephone25 Nov :30 to 12:30 PST by telephone 10 Jan :00 to 23:00 CST Arlington TX/telephone10 Jan :00 to 23:00 CST Arlington TX/telephone 19 Feb :00 to 12:00 PST by telephone19 Feb :00 to 12:00 PST by telephone 16 Apr :00 to 15:00 PDT by telephone16 Apr :00 to 15:00 PDT by telephone 11 Jun :00 to 12:00 PDT by telephone11 Jun :00 to 12:00 PDT by telephone 24 Jun :30 to 14:30 PDT by telephone24 Jun :30 to 14:30 PDT by telephone 15 Jul :00 to 23:00 EDT at Cornell/telephone15 Jul :00 to 23:00 EDT at Cornell/telephone

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Public Information * General: * General: * Newsletter: * Newsletter: * Machine Scope Document: * Machine Scope Document: * Charter: * Charter: * Meeting Dates: * Meeting Dates: * Outreach: * Outreach: * Miscellaneous Info: * Miscellaneous Info:

Steers towards International LC Steering Committee Chair: M. Tigner Govt. Agencies Govt. Agencies Govt. Agencies U.S. Steering Group Chair: J. Dorfan Asian Steering Group Chair: W. Namkung European Steering Group Chair: B. Foster International Organization / Laboratory Charged with Constructing LC

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop ILCSG Two major steps forward planned for 2004:Two major steps forward planned for 2004: 1)ILCSG will set up a “wise-person” committee to recommend to ILCSG the choice for the accelerator technology 2)ILCSG will undertake the task of setting up an internationally-constituted design group that will coordinate the development of a technical design report  Maury will cover these topics on Wednesday

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop USLCSG – University R&D Program USLCSG – coordinated proposal review process worked well in Money is now flowing to PIsUSLCSG – coordinated proposal review process worked well in Money is now flowing to PIs We will follow a very similar process in We have invited back the same group of reviewers as last year. All but one will serve againWe will follow a very similar process in We have invited back the same group of reviewers as last year. All but one will serve again  May need to tweak the process a little in order to be more helpful to agencies

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop 2002 LC R&D Review Committees  Detector Committee:  Howard Gordon, Brookhaven (chair)  Rolf Heuer, U. Hamburg  Steve Olsen, U. Hawaii  Mike Roney, U. Victoria  Sally Seidel, U. New Mexico  Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku U.  Accelerator Committee:  Norbert Holtkamp, ORNL (chair)  Phil Burrows, Oxford  Jean Delayen, JLab  Tom Himel, SLAC  Hugh Montgomery, Fermilab  Katsunobu Oide, KEK

Detector ReviewCommittee NSF DOE $ $ DOEConsortium NSFConsortium July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop USLCSG – Scope Document USLCSG Detector/Physics Subcommittee took on the task of defining the key machine parameters. They have produced a document which is the basis for the comparative study of warm and cold technologiesUSLCSG Detector/Physics Subcommittee took on the task of defining the key machine parameters. They have produced a document which is the basis for the comparative study of warm and cold technologies  Mark Oreglia will describe this in the next talk

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop USLCSG – Guidance for the Technology Choice The USLCSG accelerator subcommittee took on the challenging task of providing for the world community a comparison of a US-based machine using either warm or cold technology. This task will be complete before the end of 2003The USLCSG accelerator subcommittee took on the challenging task of providing for the world community a comparison of a US-based machine using either warm or cold technology. This task will be complete before the end of 2003  Gerry Dugan will describe this later today

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop USLCSG: Charge for Technology Options Study Two technology options are to be developed: a warm option, based on the design of the NLC Collaboration, and a cold option, similar to the TESLA design at DESYTwo technology options are to be developed: a warm option, based on the design of the NLC Collaboration, and a cold option, similar to the TESLA design at DESY Both options will meet the physics design requirements specified by the USLCSG Scope documentBoth options will meet the physics design requirements specified by the USLCSG Scope document Both options will be developed in concert, using, as much as possible, similar approaches in technical design for similar accelerator systems, and a common approach to cost and schedule estimation methodology, and to risk/reliability assessmentsBoth options will be developed in concert, using, as much as possible, similar approaches in technical design for similar accelerator systems, and a common approach to cost and schedule estimation methodology, and to risk/reliability assessments

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Evolving to an Internationally-based Effort Once the technology decision is made, an internationally- constituted design group needs to be formed with the task of providing a Technical Design Report that is truly owned by the international partners. The USLCSG is formulating a concrete proposal on how to achieve this. Such a proposal is needed as input to the ILCSC discussions this summerOnce the technology decision is made, an internationally- constituted design group needs to be formed with the task of providing a Technical Design Report that is truly owned by the international partners. The USLCSG is formulating a concrete proposal on how to achieve this. Such a proposal is needed as input to the ILCSC discussions this summer  Maury Tigner will describe this and other aspects of our international affairs considerations in his talk on Wednesday

July 14, 2003 American Linear Collider Workshop Discussions with Washington Since January 2003, there have been active, ongoing and constructive discussions with both agencies, OSTP and OMB regarding an internationally-constituted LC. These discussions center on providing for the Government a clear picture of the US and international scientist’s discussions and proposed plansSince January 2003, there have been active, ongoing and constructive discussions with both agencies, OSTP and OMB regarding an internationally-constituted LC. These discussions center on providing for the Government a clear picture of the US and international scientist’s discussions and proposed plans These meetings have provided a mechanism for getting invaluable feedback regarding our planning as well as preparing the government officials for the initial discussions that are now beginning amongst the governments of the three regions These meetings have provided a mechanism for getting invaluable feedback regarding our planning as well as preparing the government officials for the initial discussions that are now beginning amongst the governments of the three regions  We have an all-day meeting this Thursday in Washington which includes representatives from the DOE, NSF, OSTP and OMB22