Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 1 Quarterly Update on EIR for Long-Term Water Supply Project October 29, 2002 at 5:30 PM MPWMD Conference Room Staff Contact: Henrietta Stern
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 2 Tonight’s Agenda Introductions/Background Action/Board direction since July 31, 2002 Carmel River Flow Threshold Report Progress on engineering analysis Meetings of interest Next steps/additional information
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 3 Mission Statement The mission of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District is to manage, augment, and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 4 MPWMD Service Area Monterey Bay Monterey Carmel-by-the-Sea Carmel River Carmel Highlands Seaside Del Rey Oaks Sand City Pacific Grove Carmel Valley Village Pebble Beach San Clemente Dam Los Padres Dam Water Management District Boundary
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 5 Background on EIR/EIS Jones & Stokes Associates retained in March 2002 to prepare EIR/EIS in compliance with CEQA/NEPA; Multi-purpose document will evaluate range of alternatives for use in decision- making by MPWMD and other agencies; Evaluate three production targets (15,285, 17,641 and 18,941 AF/yr).
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 6 Alternatives to be Studied Carmel River Dam (Cal-Am proposal), Local desalination, Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), Reclaimed wastewater, Storm water reuse, Off-stream storage, Additional water rights, Plan B (level of detail to be determined).
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 7 Time Line Graphic Provides overview of CEQA/NEPA and other relevant processes such as SWRCB water rights and CPUC approvals; Phase 1, identify alternatives-- in progress; delayed due to lack of access to technical data supporting CPUC’s Plan B Final Report; Phase 2, complete Draft EIR-- on hold until Cal- Am plans and lead agency issues are clarified.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 8 Board Direction in Aug-Sept 02 Complete Phase 1 engineering studies of alternatives; identify project combinations and sizes to meet production targets; Hold off on Phase 2 EIR preparation until Cal-Am plans are clear and lead agency issues with CPUC are confirmed; Prepare Carmel River Flow Threshold Report within 90 days.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 9 Carmel River Flow Threshold Report Review existing information about river flow and habitat needs for Carmel River steelhead, red-legged frogs, riparian habitat and insect food sources; Identify conflicts and unknowns; Assess diversions that could be taken from the river without harming ecosystem;
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 10 Threshold Report, continued Use in EIR to set “standards of significance” to evaluate impact of water rights applications and water supply alternatives (significant or not?); Use in future watershed management to support self-sustaining ecosystem with minimal human intervention.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 11 MPWMD Action in Aug-Oct 02 Held two Board meetings on policy issues raised by comments on proposed EIR/EIS; Received and reviewed Plan B Final Report; developed costs to fully evaluate; Updated District CVSIM computer model; Obtained Cal-Am hydraulic model; Developed initial alternative combinations and sizes based on NMFS recommended flows and water production targets;
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 12 MPWMD Action, continued Consolidated data and began assessment for Carmel River Flow Threshold Report; Met with SWRCB, CPUC and FORA regarding EIR/EIS and water rights issues; Received responses from Cal-Am and U.S. Army regarding EIR/EIS process; Continued participation in San Clemente Dam environmental review;
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 13 MPWMD Action, continued Continued ASR testing in Seaside Basin, focusing on recovery of injected water; Completed Phase III Hydrogeologic Update of Laguna Seca Subarea; Began Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan consultant search; Helped MCWD with reclamation project EIR; Responded to comments on District water rights applications.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 14 Engineering Analysis Progress slowed due to CPUC restrictions on data supporting Plan B Final Report; Developed initial project combinations and sizes; larger local desal project than currently envisioned is needed to meet higher production targets; Finalizing constraints analysis to identify largest feasible project sizes;
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 15 Engineering Analysis, continued Refining yield estimates based on constraints analysis; Alternative pipeline alignments and well sites/spacing for large ASR project; Updated reclaimed water yields based on recent information for Pebble Beach and PCA/MCWD projects; Use Cal-Am hydraulic model and system map to determine best facility locations.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 16 Meetings of Interest SWRCB (Sept 02)– Discussed comments on EIR and District water rights applications. SWRCB provided guidance on environmental analysis and “no project” definition. CPUC (Sept 02)– Discussed data access and lead agency role. No decision on lead agency until Cal-Am clarifies its proposed project; data request under CPUC review.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 17 Meetings of Interest, continued FORA (Oct 02)-- review role of FORA and other entities in approval of infrastructure associated with project alternatives on former Fort Ord. Discussed regional water supply concepts. Trying to set meeting with City of Seaside about ASR injection well locations.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 18 Next Steps through Dec. 02 Await Cal-Am determination on proposed water project (dam vs. Plan B); Discuss lead agency issues with CPUC; Complete Flow Threshold Report; Complete engineering evaluations; present update at November 14 workshop; Continue water rights process; respond to protests and comments.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 19 Keeping Informed Quarterly update meetings Board workshops (next: November 14 at 7 PM at District conference room) Monthly report in MPWMD Board packet Expanded quarterly report in Board packet Website, “General Manager Weekly Summary” Website, “Water Project EIR ”
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 20 ANY QUESTIONS? Representatives from MPWMD staff and Jones & Stokes Associates (environmental consultant) are here to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest!
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