24/08/2005LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin1 First steps toward γ from B + →D 0 (K 0 π + π - )K + with Tom Barber, Val Gibson, Cristina Lazzeroni and Jim Libby
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 2 γ is the weak phase between b→cus ( V cb ) and b→ucs ( V ub ) can be extracted from the interference of these two processes in charged B D 0 K decays with D 0 /D 0 decaying to a common final state r B is the relative colour suppression between the two modes O(0.1) – dilutes sensitivity to γ δ is the strong phase difference-invariant under CP Several methods available to extract γ from two-body decays of the D 0 /D 0 (Gronau- London-Wyler and Atwood-Dunietz-Soffer) Requires 3+charge conjugate modes to extract the parameters some of these modes have very small BFs which are not observed with current B-factory statistics Will be interesting for LHCb (see reoptimised TDR for GLW): but γ ambiguities and doubly Cabbibo suppressed decays interfere Measuring γ: B + →D 0 (K 0 π + π - )K + No need for a time-dependent analysis
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 3 Measuring γ: B + →D 0 (K 0 π + π - )K + A method proposed by ADS/Giri, Grossman, Soffer and Zupan alleviates some of the problems by utilising three body Cabbibo allowed decays of the D 0 /D 0 BR(D 0 →K 0 π + π - )=(5.97±0.35)% BR(D 0 →K + K - )=(3.89±0.14)×10 -3 % Also, large strong phases between the intermediate resonances allows the the extraction of r B, δ and γ by studying the Dalitz distribution of events where PRD 63, (2001) and PRD 68, (2003)
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 4 Not everything in black and white makes sense ρ(770) Doubly Cabbibo suppressed K * 2 nd derivative of likelihood w.r.t. γ Regions of the Dalitz plot with the largest interferences are most sensitive to γ Need good model for Dalitz amplitudes Belle/Babar have use an isobar model with: Breit-Wigner + non-resonant
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 5 Measuring the Dalitz model B-factories use a O(100k) samples of D + *→D 0 π +,D 0 →K 0 π + π - to measure amplitudes and phases-vary model for systematics LHCb can exploit these and results from CLEO-c K*(892) DCS K*(892) ρ(770)
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 6 Measuring γ: B + →D 0 (K 0 π + π - )K + = 70° ± 31° ± 11° ± 13° D* and D combined Dalitz Model error Belle do significantly better: reason is measured r B = 0.21±0.08 = 68° ± 14° ± 13° ± 11° γ(deg) 1σ1σ 2σ2σ r B vs σ( ) Exp. systematic hep-ex/ PRD 70, (2004) B+ BB
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 7 Selection studies so far (T. Barber) Selection to maximise signal to background: 1 year signal yield = 6300 No events in 1.6×10 5 incl. B and 3×10 4 min. bias Limited statistic samples Selection in DC04v2 stripping Currently being revisited but a very promising start LL K0S DD K0S
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 8 Next steps: selection and backgrounds Understanding Dalitz acceptance key to the analysis Assessing this from Tom’s selection Selection optimisation and improvement Understand and cross check current selection, then Optimisation non-standard due to extraction from fit to Dalitz space and importance of systematic uncertainties Statistical limits in background MC samples Sideband techniques for data Good understanding of Dalitz distribution of background
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 9 HLT K 0 S complicates this significantly Only long tracks: 30% of selected signal events LL K short ε HLT /track ≈93%, therefore 5-track efficiency ≈70% overall reduces yield to 1300/annum Including DD non-trivial as topology is under constrained for a kinematic fit No need to panic yet as B-factories are performing measurements with 5 times less statistics-but clearly increased yields desirable IP B+B+ D0D0 K+K+ π+π+ π-π- π+π+ π-π- K0SK0S
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 10 Event model Complex Dalitz model required: Current simulation phase space: OK for Dalitz efficiency then reweight to any model….. unless the correlations amongst the daughters distort Dalitz acceptance In LHCb isobar model already implemented for B 0 →D 0 K* studies Want event model in LHCb framework and Standalone: acceptance studies and fitting K-matrix Transfer BABAR/Belle/CLEO-C measurements
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 11 B + →D 0 (K 0 K + K - )K + Same method works with π→K in D 0 decay Reduced BF: BF(D 0 →K 0 K + K - ) = (1.03±0.10)% BF(D 0 →K 0 π + π - ) = (5.97±0.35)% But using RICH info maybe a big help for background suppression Dalitz model has less resonances but complex threshold effects (Babar hep-ex/ ) what is the sensitivity to γ? Generated samples in Cambridge to study in parallel to the Kππ mode PDG ‘04
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 12 Outlook Other issues to feedback to the optimization studies: fitting for γ, and r B and systematics Understanding acceptance, B + →D 0 (K 0 K + K - )K + and HLT first Looking forward to a successful Oxbridge collaboration…..
24/08/2005 LHCb UK Meeting, Dublin 13