Mutli-Attribute Decision Making Scott Matthews Courses: /
and Dominance To pick between strategies, it is useful to have rules by which to eliminate options Let’s construct an example - assume minimum “court award” expected is $2.5B (instead of $0). Now there are no “zero endpoints” in the decision tree.
and Dominance Example #1 CRP below for 2 strategies shows “Accept $2 Billion” is dominated by the other.
and But.. Need to be careful of “when” to eliminate dominated alternatives, as we’ll see.
and Multi-objective Methods Multiobjective programming Mult. criteria decision making (MCDM) Is both an analytical philosophy and a set of specific analytical techniques Deals explicitly with multi-criteria DM Provides mechanism incorporating values Promotes inclusive DM processes Encourages interdisciplinary approaches
and Decision Making Real decision making problems are MC in nature Most decisions require tradeoffs E.g. college-selection problem BCA does not handle MC decisions well It needs dollar values for everything Assumes all B/C quantifiable BCA still important : economic efficiency
and Structuring Objectives Choose a college Max. ReputationMin. CostMax Atmosphere AcademicSocial TuitionLivingTrans. Making this tree is useful for Communication (for DM process) Creation of alternatives Evaluation of alternatives
and Desirable Properties of Obj’s Completeness (reflects overall objs) Operational (supports choice) Decomposable (preference for one is not a function of another) Non-redundant (avoid double count) Minimize size
and MCDM Terminology Non-dominance (aka Pareto Optimal) Alternative is non-dominated if there is no other feasible alternative that would improve one criterion without making at least one other criterion worse Non-dominated set: set of all alternatives of non-dominance
and More Defs Measures (or attributes) Indicate degree to which objective is achieved or advanced Of course its ideal when these are in the same order of magnitude. If not, should adjust them to do so. Goal: level of achievement of an objective to strive for Note objectives often have sub-objectives, etc.
and Choosing a Car CarFuel Eff (mpg) Comfort Index Mercedes2510 Chevrolet283 Toyota356 Volvo309 Which dominated, non-dominated? Dominated can be removed from decision BUT we’ll need to maintain their values for ranking
and Conflicting Criteria Two criteria ‘conflict’ if the alternative which is best in one criteria is not the best in the other Do fuel eff and comfort conflict? Usual. Typically have lots of conflicts. Tradeoff: the amount of one criterion which must be given up to attain an increase of one unit in another criteria
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M V T C 1) What is tradeoff between Mercedes and Volvo? 2) What can we see graphically about dominated alternatives?
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M(25,10) V(30,9) T C 5 The slope of the line between M and V is -1/5, i.e., you must trade one unit less of comfort for 5 units more of fuel efficiency.
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M(25,10) V(30,9) T (35,6) 5 Would you give up one unit of comfort for 5 more fuel economy? -3 5 THEN Would you give up 3 units of comfort for 5 more fuel economy?
and Multi-attribute utility theory To solve, we need 2 parts: Attribute scales for each objective Weights for each objective Our weights should respect the “Range of the attribute scales” This gets to the point of 0-1, 0-100, etc scales Does not matter whether we have “consistent” scales as long as weights are context-specific (e.g. 100x different if 0-1, 0-100) However we often use consistent scales to make the weighting assessment process easier
and Additive Utility We motivated 2-attribute version already Generally: U(x 1,..,x m ) = k 1 U 1 (x 1 ) + … + k m U m (x m )
and Recall: Choosing a Car Example CarFuel Eff (mpg) Comfort Index Mercedes25 10 Chevrolet283 Toyota356 Volvo309
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M V T C 1) What is tradeoff between Mercedes and Volvo? 2) What can we see graphically about dominated alternatives?
and Proportional Scoring Called proportional because scales linearly Comfort Index: Best = 10, Worst = 3 U c (Mercedes) = 1; U c (Chevrolet) = 0 U c (V) = 9-3/10-3 = 6/7; U c (T) = 6-3/10-3 = 3/7 i.e., Volvo is 1/7 away from best to worst
and Prop Scoring (cont.) Fuel Economy: Best = 35, Worst = 25 U F (Toyota) = 1; U F (Mercedes) = 0 U F (V) = 30-25/35-25 = 5/10 U F (C) = 28-25/35-25 = 3/10 i.e., Volvo is halfway between best/worst See why we kept “dominated” options?
and Next Step: Weights Need weights between 2 criteria Don’t forget they are based on whole scale e.g., you value “improving salary on scale at 3x what you value fun going from 0-100”. Not just “salary vs. fun” If choosing a college, 3 choices, all roughly $30k/year, but other amenities different.. Cost should have low weight in that example In Texaco case, fact that settlement varies across so large a range implies it likely has near 100% weight
and Weights - Car Example Start with equal weights (0.5, 0.5) for C,F U(M) = 0.5* *0 = 0.5 U(V) = 0.5*(6/7) + 0.5*0.5 = U(T) = 0.5*(3/7) + 0.5*1 = U(C) = 0.5* *0.3 = 0.15 As expected, Chevrolet is worst (dominated) Given weights, Toyota has highest utility
and What does this tell us? With equal weights, as before, we’d be in favor of trading 10 units of fuel economy for 7 units of comfort. Or 1.43 units F per unit of C Question is: is that right? If it is, weights are right, else need to change them.
and “Pricing out” Book uses $ / unit tradeoff Our example has no $ - but same idea “Pricing out” simply means knowing your willingness to make tradeoffs Assume you’ve thought hard about the car tradeoff and would trade 2 units of C for a unit of F (maybe because you’re a student and need to save money)
and :1 Tradeoff Example Find an existing point (any) and consider a hypothetical point you would trade for. You would be indifferent in this trade E.g., V(30,9) -> H(31,7) H would get Uf = 6/10 and Uc = 4/7 Since we’re indifferent, U(V) must = U(H) k C (6/7) + k F (5/10) = k C (4/7) + k F (6/10) k C (2/7) = k F (1/10) k F = k C (20/7) But k F + k C =1 k C (20/7) + k C = 1 k C (27/7) = 1 ; k C = 7/27 = 0.26 (so k f =0.74)
and With these weights.. U(M) = 0.26* *0 = 0.26 U(V) = 0.26*(6/7) *0.5 = U(T) = 0.26*(3/7) *1 = U(H) = 0.26*(4/7) *0.6 = Note H isnt really an option - just “checking” that we get same U as for Volvo (as expected)
and Indifference - 2:1 Fuel Eff Comfort M H T C V
and Notes Make sure you look at tutorial at end of Chapter 4 on how to simplify with plug-ins Read Chap 15 Eugene library example!
and Next time: Advanced Methods More ways to combine tradeoffs and weights Swing weights Etc.