APNEE - TU Project Conclussions (User profile estimated by studying questionnaire data) Canary Islands & Andalucia Projects Environmental Software Modelling Group Technical University of Madrid March 2003
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid APNEE – TU User Profile (Andalucia Region) Interested in the service due to health problems (37% of total responses). Visits the web page several times a week (34% of responses). Focused in Air Quality forecasting (63% of responses). Uses the web service between 3 and 5 minutes (42% of responses). Shows a great interest in applying new technologies to APNEE – TU project (48% of responses interested in WAP) Uses the SMS alert service (73% of responses) Is Higly pleased with the APNEE – TU project (94% of responses)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Andalucia Region User Profile (Statistics Diagram 1)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Andalucia Region User Profile (Statistics Diagram 2)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid APNEE – TU User Profile (Canary Islands Region) Interested in the service due to Information Needs (36% of total responses). Visits the web page several times a week (37% of responses). Focused in Air Quality forecasting (71% of responses). Uses the web service between 3 and 5 minutes (42% of responses). Shows a great interest in applying new technologies to APNEE – TU project (46% of responses interested in WAP) Uses the SMS alert service (84% of responses) Is Higly pleased with the APNEE – TU project (96% of responses)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Canary Islands Region User Profile (Statistics Diagram 1)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Canary Islands Region User Profile (Statistics Diagram 2)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Comparison between Canary Islands & Andalucia User Profiles (Diagram 1)
Environmental Software Modelling Group - Technical University of Madrid Comparison between Canary Islands & Andalucia User Profiles (Diagram 2)