L1CAL Online Software Philippe Laurens 31-May-2005
Run IIb L1 Calorimeter Trigger Control Path L1Cal Expert Programs L1Cal TCC COOR Monitoring Clients Bit3 V.I. Master (to ADF) V.I. Master (to VRB) VME/SCL (to TAB) SCL Distributor (to ADF) L1Cal Comm. Crate VME-9U ADF Crate #1 of 4 VME-6U ADF #20 V.I. Slave ADF #20 … ADF Crate #4 of 4 VME-6U ADF #20 V.I. Slave ADF #1 … … TAB/GAB Crate Custom-9U TAB #1TAB #8GAB … L1Cal Readout Crate VME-9U V.I. Slave VRB VRBCSBC L3 L2 Ethernet Optical Fiber Splitters to L2Cal Crate … P. Laurens Rev: 31-May-05 (ALS, PAL) TFW SCL
L1CAL TCC Control Software L1Cal TCC Bit3 L1Cal IIb Trigger Control Program (C++) L1Cal IIb Graphical User Interface (Python) L1CAL Comm. Crate Expert (e.g. at MSU) Remote Console (Copy of Screen Output) L1Cal IIb Graphical User Interface Host Computers COOR Monitoring Applications 31-May-05 ASCII commands over ITC Binary or XML over ITC ASCII over ITC XML over ITC L1Cal_IIb_Gui L1Cal_IIb_Tcc L1Cal_IIb_Gui
L1Cal IIb Control Software Split –Control Code vs. GUI Operating System Independent – Windows -> Linux – Python (GUI) & C++ (Control) – Use D0 products ITC and Thread_Util also ACE (under ITC) and Xerces (for XML)
L1Cal IIb Control Software L1Cal_IIb_TCC Control Program –Use C++ for robustness and execution speed –Control and monitor both ADF and TAB/GAB –Only software actually performing VME IOs –Interface presenting one L1CAL system to COOR –Serve L1CAL Monitoring Info to Host Monit Clients –Leveraged current L1FW+L1CAL TCC code –Allow local command files (python scripts from GUI) –Keeps a Logfile of all actions
L1Cal IIb Control Software L1Cal_IIb_Gui –New for run IIb –Use Python with Tkinter –Zero, One, or more GUI connected at a given time –Not in the path of data taking, COOR control, etc –Not in the path of monitoring operation –Run GUI on L1Cal TCC and/or remote computer –GUI plus extensions with external python command files (arbitrary complex, e.g. ADF-2 production test)
L1Cal IIb Control Software Extensions with Python Command Files –Call functions to perform any action the GUI supports: R/W, Config FPGA, program DAC,... –Receive reply from Control Program (e.g. value read) –Recursive call to lower level command files while passing parameters (e.g. card address) –MSU Test Stand: Control Waveform Generator and Multiplexer –Allow interactive user input (e.g. enter card S/N) –Write test logfiles, or any other files e.g. plot files –Execute OS commands, e.g. view plots
Control of TAB/GAB Hardware/Software For Commissioning/Tests Current and future Nevis Test programs can be used for tests or diagnostics (only) For Physics Running Call the same C code used by Test programs to configure, initialize, program the TAB/GAB under COOR control Work under way…
Interface to COOR Need to define the syntax to program run dependent resources (references, parameters, thresholds, etc) Most/All such resources are in TAB/GAB Philippe can work with Mike (or?) to produce a document defining the outside view of the system to COOR/Scott
Interface to COOR Ref. current L1Cal System: coor_to_tcc_l1ct_message_syntax.txt coor_to_tcc_l1ct_message_syntax.txt E.g. How COOR sets a reference set “L1CT_Ref_Set EM_Et_Ref_Set 0 TT_Eta(-20:20) TT_Phi(1:32) Value 10.0”
Monitoring Trigger Towers (ADF-2) –Output to TAB L1Cal objects (TAB/GAB) –What is useful, desirable, doable? –Base idea: read event data every ~5 s Oversampled data (ADF-2) –ADF-2 raw oversampled data For special studies and calibration/verification
Appendix: Example L1Cal GUI dialogs