Envisioning a Social Science Research Council in Nepal Stakeholder Consultation July 12, 2010 SIRF Phase 2 Institutionalization: Way Forward Presenter: Manju Tuladhar (PhD) Lead Adviser, Social Inclusion Research Fund
Three Key Questions 1. Why a social science research council? 2. Who owns and what type of institution? 3. What process from here?
Phase 1 Views on SIRF Institutionalization 1.Need for a Hybrid Institution – several options tested, no suitable taker 2.Expand to social science with long term perspective on institutionalization 3.Autonomy, professionalism and efficiency 4.Value addition of stakeholders need to be ownership not just project implementation 5.Budget through Redbook, matching funds 6.Detailed assessment of legal and procedural issues
Understanding the rationale Bhandari, 1990 – autonomous institution Hachhethu, weak interest of state; absence of societal demand; endowment fund Oommen and Gurung, Research Council and An Interim Council Nepali, 2010 – autonomous institution World Social Science Report, absence of adequate governmental support; funding marginal compared with science and tech.
Declining quality of teaching and research Accountability is virtually absent Peer evaluation systems are weak in publicly funded research institutions and universities Government support - marginal - absent Inability to attract best students Social Sciences /South Asia (UNESCO 2010)
Preamble Social science research is driven by: –Interest in knowledge about the functioning of society in its diverse social, cultural, political and economic aspects and in understanding the factors that shape them –Practical needs of policy makers and managers in government, civil society and the private sector for reliable information and professional analysis (ICSSR, 2007)
Objectives of the council Produce high quality and critical research on contemporary social problems (exclusion and inequality..…) and contribute to a just, equal and prosperous nation Facilitate a better public understanding of contemporary social problems by undertaking detached critical scrutiny of social problems
… Council Act SIRF SIRF Screening Committee SNV/ RNE Core Group Stakeholders Interim Council creates congenial environment, facilitates legalization, takes over SIRF management, others……. Research quality enhancement Research Grants Research networks Social Scientists plan, strategize and enlarge stakeholder base and levels, facilitate institutionalization, resources mobilization
Mandates of Council Undertake (?) and facilitate scholarly social science research Provide research grants / fellowships Strengthen platforms for policy and public discourses Organize/fund documentation, archiving and training in research methodology Build research capacity for social science researh Train researchers from excluded groups Advise policy making (?)
Functions of Interim Council Develop legal framework and mandate Dialogue with government and high level stakeholders Sensitize academia, civil society Facilitate resources mobilization Integrate and institutionalize existing initiatives of SIRF, and others…. Oversee the functions of preparatory work of program and secretariat