ICT in education
Introduction to Blackboard Blackboard at BI Log in / username and password Navigating Announcements Course Documents Control Panel
Blackboard at BI Blackboard is a web based teaching and learning system where the BI lecturer may publish announcements and course documents approximately users (students + faculty and adm) and more than 1000 active courses (increasing) A supplement to F2F teaching Each lecturer choose how to benefit from Blackboard in his or her course Please contact the Super user at your BI school or our e-learning sentre by or for help to get
Hvor finner jeg Blackboard? Forelesere/Studieadm.: Studenter: Ved problem mht. pålogging, passord, kurstilgang etc.: -> Kontakt lokal superbruker!
Please note The service is password protected. Only the students you meet in the classroom will have access to your virtual course room in Blackboard. Primarily an effective way to publish messages and course materials FROM lecturer TO students. Blackboard helps you to assemble learning resourses from the www.
Where to find Blackboard
My Institution Heading Tabs Content
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Courses Searc engine for your course portfolio List of the instructors registered on the course
Control Panel
Course Documents
Course Information
Faculty Information
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