GRADUATE SCHOOL UC BERKELEY Statistics Agricultural and Resource Economics
WIFE PAMELA Currently English Language Major Avid and accomplished genealogist Loves the mountains Loves her husband more than she hates fishing Best Friend
DAUGHTER JENNIFER Served mission to Uruguay Masters degree in developmental biology Adjunct statistics and biology teacher at BYU Loves fishing, hiking, biking, and running Married to Timothy Keller
DAUGHTER REBECCA Served a mission in Conception, Chile English Language undergraduate major Attorney who specializes in immigration law Married to Andrew Skabelund with one son, Rory
DAUGHTER ANGELA Graduated with a masters degree in statistics from BYU Works for RootMetrics consulting firm in Seattle Loves to play ultimate Frisbee, rock climb, and mountain bike Married to Bernie Lee
SON JONATHAN Served a mission in Argentina Neuquen Senior majoring in statistics Member of BYU cross country and track teams Enjoys everything, especially people
HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Flyfishing Mountain biking Hiking in Uinta Mountains and Southern Utah Photography Learning about economics and statistics
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Revenue forecaster for Utah’s Legislative Fiscal Analyst Member of Utah’s Council of Economic Advisors Director for Bonneville Bank
CURRENT PROJECTS Stress Tests Rainy Day Funds Adequacy of income tax funding for Uniform School Fund in Utah Marketplace Fairness Act
CHURCH Mission to North Central Mexico Currently Deacons Quorum Advisor in the PV4th ward Look forward to service in temple and Hispanic community