XML Extensible Markup Language Standard supported by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) HTML – End user oriented (presentation) XML – Application oriented (shared data) XML has no predefined set of tags. The application determine tag’s meaning.
XML : : Record Type Attribute Value Attributes Name
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language XML XSL Parser HTML Language used to describe how an XML source document is transformed. Rules Interne t IIS
XSL </xsl:stylesheet </xsl:stylesheet...begining at document root... Identified with TAG “Employees”... Transform all records...
XSL </xsl:stylesheet </xsl:stylesheet color:#CCCCCC } Employees First name Last name Set title color... Create table title... Recursion...
XSL </xsl:stylesheet </xsl:stylesheet For each record... Create one Table Row with First Name and Last Name
URL Access Protocol: http: Server: IIServer Database: northwind SQL Statement: SELECT * FROM employees Output Format: FOR+XML+AUTO XSL tranformation: &xsl= Example:
Java Applet 1. Portable 2. Embedded into web-pages. Easy navigation and distribution 3. Uses Java XML parser to exract information or specify XSL transformations for display. Processing capabilities Different presentations