Mathematics and Image Analysis, MIA'06 Sparse & Redundant Signal Representation and its Role in Image Processing Michael Elad The Computer Science Department The Technion – Israel Institute of technology Haifa 32000, Israel Mathematics and Image Analysis, MIA'06 Paris, 18-21 September , 2006
Sparsity and Redundancy Today’s Talk is About Sparsity and Redundancy We will try to show today that Sparsity & Redundancy can be used to design new/renewed & powerful signal/image processing tools. We will present both the theory behind sparsity and redundancy, and how those are deployed to image processing applications. This is an overview lecture, describing the recent activity in this field. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Agenda Welcome to Sparseland A Visit to Sparseland Motivating Sparsity & Overcompleteness 2. Problem 1: Transforms & Regularizations How & why should this work? 3. Problem 2: What About D? The quest for the origin of signals 4. Problem 3: Applications Image filling in, denoising, separation, compression, … Welcome to Sparseland Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Generating Signals in Sparseland K N A fixed Dictionary Every column in D (dictionary) is a prototype signal (Atom). M The vector is generated randomly with few non-zeros in random locations and random values. A sparse & random vector N Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Sparseland Signals Are Special Simple: Every generated signal is built as a linear combination of few atoms from our dictionary D Rich: A general model: the obtained signals are a special type mixture-of-Gaussians (or Laplacians). Multiply by D M Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M T Transforms in Sparseland ? M Assume that x is known to emerge from . . We desire simplicity, independence, and expressiveness. M How about “Given x, find the α that generated it in ” ? T Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
So, In Order to Transform … We need to solve an under-determined linear system of equations: Known Among all (infinitely many) possible solutions we want the sparsest !! We will measure sparsity using the L0 norm: Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Measure of Sparsity? -1 +1 1 As p 0 we get a count of the non-zeros in the vector Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Signal’s Transform in Sparseland Multiply by D A sparse & random vector M Are there practical ways to get ? 4 Major Questions Is ? Under which conditions? How effective are those ways? How would we get D? Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Q Inverse Problems in Sparseland ? M Assume that x is known to emerge from . M M Suppose we observe , a “blurred” and noisy version of x with . How will we recover x? Noise How about “find the α that generated the x …” again? Q Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
4 Major Questions (again!) Inverse Problems in Sparseland ? M 4 Major Questions (again!) How would we get D? Are there practical ways to get ? How effective are those ways? Is ? How far can it go? Multiply by D A sparse & random vector “blur” by H Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Sparseland is HERE Back Home … Any Lessons? Several recent trends worth looking at: JPEG to JPEG2000 - From (L2-norm) KLT to wavelet and non-linear approximation Sparseland is HERE Sparsity. From Wiener to robust restoration – From L2-norm (Fourier) to L1. (e.g., TV, Beltrami, wavelet shrinkage …) Sparsity. From unitary to richer representations – Frames, shift-invariance, steerable wavelet, contourlet, curvelet Overcompleteness. Approximation theory – Non-linear approximation Sparsity & Overcompleteness. ICA and related models Independence and Sparsity. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
To Summarize so far … The Sparseland model for signals is very interesting Who cares? We do! it is relevant to us So, what are the implications? We need to answer the 4 questions posed, and then show that all this works well in practice Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
T Q Agenda 1. A Visit to Sparseland Motivating Sparsity & Overcompleteness 2. Problem 1: Transforms & Regularizations How & why should this work? 3. Problem 2: What About D? The quest for the origin of signals 4. Problem 3: Applications Image filling in, denoising, separation, compression, … T Q Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Lets Start with the Transform … Our dream for Now: Find the sparsest solution of Known known Put formally, Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Suppose we can solve this exactly Question 1 – Uniqueness? Multiply by D M Suppose we can solve this exactly Why should we necessarily get ? It might happen that eventually . Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Matrix “Spark” * In tensor decomposition, Kruskal defined something similar already in 1989. * Donoho & E. (‘02) Definition: Given a matrix D, =Spark{D} is the smallest and and number of columns that are linearly dependent. Example: Spark = 3 Rank = 4 Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Uniqueness Rule M Suppose this problem has been solved somehow If we found a representation that satisfy Then necessarily it is unique (the sparsest). Uniqueness Donoho & E. (‘02) This result implies that if generates signals using “sparse enough” , the solution of the above will find it exactly. M Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Question 2 – Practical P0 Solver? Are there reasonable ways to find ? Multiply by D Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Matching Pursuit (MP) Mallat & Zhang (1993) The MP is a greedy algorithm that finds one atom at a time. Step 1: find the one atom that best matches the signal. Next steps: given the previously found atoms, find the next one to best fit … The Orthogonal MP (OMP) is an improved version that re-evaluates the coefficients after each round. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Basis Pursuit (BP) Instead of solving Solve Instead Chen, Donoho, & Saunders (1995) Instead of solving Solve Instead The newly defined problem is convex (linear programming). Very efficient solvers can be deployed: Interior point methods [Chen, Donoho, & Saunders (`95)] , Sequential shrinkage for union of ortho-bases [Bruce (`98)], Iterated shrinkage [Figuerido & Nowak (`03), Daubechies, Defrise, & Demole (‘04), E. (`05), E., Matalon, & Zibulevsky (`06)]. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Question 3 – Approx. Quality? How effective are the MP/BP Multiply by D How effective are the MP/BP in finding ? Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Assume normalized columns Evaluating the “Spark” Compute DT = D DTD Assume normalized columns The Mutual Coherence M is the largest off-diagonal entry in absolute value. The Mutual Coherence is a property of the dictionary (just like the “Spark”). In fact, the following relation can be shown: Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
BP and MP Equivalence Equivalence Given a signal x with a representation , Assuming that , BP and MP are Guaranteed to find the sparsest solution. Donoho & E. (‘02) Gribonval & Nielsen (‘03) Tropp (‘03) Temlyakov (‘03) MP and BP are different in general (hard to say which is better). The above result corresponds to the worst-case. Average performance results are available too, showing much better bounds [Donoho (`04), Candes (`04), Tanner (`05), Tropp (`06), Tropp (’06)]. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
What About Inverse Problems? “blur” by H Multiply by D A sparse & random vector We had similar questions regarding uniqueness, practical solvers, and their efficiency. It turns out that similar answers are applicable here due to several recent works [Donoho, E. and Temlyakov (`04), Tropp (`04), Fuchs (`04), Gribonval et. al. (`05)]. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
To Summarize so far … The Sparseland model is relevant to us. We can design transforms and priors based on it Find the sparsest solution? Use pursuit Algorithms Why works so well? What next? A sequence of works during the past 3-4 years gives theoretic justifications for these tools behavior How shall we find D? Will this work for applications? Which? Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Agenda 1. A Visit to Sparseland Motivating Sparsity & Overcompleteness 2. Problem 1: Transforms & Regularizations How & why should this work? 3. Problem 2: What About D? The quest for the origin of signals 4. Problem 3: Applications Image filling in, denoising, separation, compression, … Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
M Problem Setting Multiply by D Given these P examples and a fixed size [NK] dictionary D, how would we find D? Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Uniqueness? M If is rich enough* and if Uniqueness then D is unique. Aharon, E., & Bruckstein (`05) M “Rich Enough”: The signals from could be clustered to groups that share the same support. At least L+1 examples per each are needed. Comments: This result is proved constructively, but the number of examples needed to pull this off is huge – we will show a far better method next. A parallel result that takes into account noise is yet to be constructed. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
X A D Practical Approach – Objective Each example is a linear combination of atoms from D Each example has a sparse representation with no more than L atoms Field & Olshausen (96’) Engan et. al. (99’) Lewicki & Sejnowski (00’) Cotter et. al. (03’) Gribonval et. al. (04’) (n,K,L are assumed known, D has norm. columns) Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Column-by-Column by Mean computation over the relevant examples K–Means For Clustering Clustering: An extreme sparse coding D Initialize D Sparse Coding Nearest Neighbor XT Dictionary Update Column-by-Column by Mean computation over the relevant examples Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Column-by-Column by SVD computation The K–SVD Algorithm – General D Initialize D Sparse Coding Use MP or BP X T Dictionary Update Column-by-Column by SVD computation Aharon, E., & Bruckstein (`04) Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
For the jth example we solve K–SVD Sparse Coding Stage D For the jth example we solve X T Pursuit Problem !!! Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
D K–SVD Dictionary Update Stage Gk : The examples in and that use the column dk. D The content of dk influences only the examples in Gk. Let us fix all A apart from the kth column and seek both dk and the kth column to better fit the residual! Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
D K–SVD Dictionary Update Stage We should solve: ResidualE dk is obtained by SVD on the examples’ residual in Gk. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
D D K–SVD: A Synthetic Experiment Results Create A 2030 random dictionary with normalized columns Generate 2000 signal examples with 3 atoms per each and add noise D Train a dictionary using the KSVD and MOD and compare Results Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
To Summarize so far … The Sparseland model for signals is relevant to us. In order to use it effectively we need to know D How D can be found? Use the K-SVD algorithm Will it work well? What next? We have shown how to practically train D using the K-SVD Show that all the above can be deployed to applications Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Agenda 1. A Visit to Sparseland Motivating Sparsity & Overcompleteness 2. Problem 1: Transforms & Regularizations How & why should this work? 3. Problem 2: What About D? The quest for the origin of signals 4. Problem 3: Applications Image filling in, denoising, separation, compression, … Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
= Application 1: Image Inpainting Assume: the signal x has been created by x=Dα0 with very sparse α0. Missing values in x imply missing rows in this linear system. By removing these rows, we get . Now solve If α0 was sparse enough, it will be the solution of the above problem! Thus, computing Dα0 recovers x perfectly. = Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 1: Side Note Compressed Sensing is leaning on the very same principal, leading to alternative sampling theorems. Assume: the signal x has been created by x=Dα0 with very sparse α0. Multiply this set of equations by the matrix Q which reduces the number of rows. The new, smaller, system of equations is If α0 was sparse enough, it will be the sparsest solution of the new system, thus, computing Dα0 recovers x perfectly. Compressed sensing focuses on conditions for this to happen, guaranteeing such recovery. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 1: The Practice Given a noisy image y, we can clean it using the Maximum A-posteriori Probability estimator by [Chen, Donoho, & Saunders (‘95)]. What if some of the pixels in that image are missing (filled with zeros)? Define a mask operator as the diagonal matrix W, and now solve instead When handling general images, there is a need to concatenate two dictionaries to get an effective treatment of both texture and cartoon contents – This leads to separation [E., Starck, & Donoho (’05)]. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Inpainting Results Source Predetermined dictionary: Curvelet (cartoon) + Overlapped DCT (texture) Outcome Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Inpainting Results More about this application will be given in Jean-Luc Starck talk that follows. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 2: Image Denoising Given a noisy image y, we have already mentioned the ability to clean it by solving When using the K-SVD, it cannot train a dictionary for large support images – How do we go from local treatment of patches to a global prior? The solution: Force shift-invariant sparsity - on each patch of size N-by-N (e.g., N=8) in the image, including overlaps. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Our MAP penalty becomes Application 2: Image Denoising Our MAP penalty becomes Our prior Extracts a patch in the ij location Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 2: Image Denoising The dictionary (and thus the image prior) is trained on the corrupted itself! This leads to an elegant fusion of the K-SVD and the denoising tasks. x=y and D known x and ij known D and ij known Compute ij per patch using the matching pursuit K-SVD Compute D to minimize using SVD, updating one column at a time Compute x by which is a simple averaging of shifted patches Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
D Application 2: The Algorithm Sparse-code every patch of 8-by-8 pixels D Update the dictionary based on the above codes The computational cost of this algorithm is mostly due to the OMP steps done on each image patch - O(N2×L×K×Iterations) per pixel. Compute the output image x Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Denoising Results Source The obtained dictionary after 10 iterations Initial dictionary (overcomplete DCT) 64×256 Result 30.829dB The results of this algorithm tested over a corpus of images and with various noise powers compete favorably with the state-of-the-art - the GSM+steerable wavelets denoising algorithm by [Portilla, Strela, Wainwright, & Simoncelli (‘03)], giving ~1dB better results on average. Noisy image Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 3: Compression The problem: Compressing photo-ID images. General purpose methods (JPEG, JPEG2000) do not take into account the specific family. By adapting to the image-content (PCA/K-SVD), better results could be obtained. For these techniques to operate well, train dictionaries locally (per patch) using a training set of images is required. In PCA, only the (quantized) coefficients are stored, whereas the K-SVD requires storage of the indices as well. Geometric alignment of the image is very helpful and should be done. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Application 3: The Algorithm On the training set Detect main features and warp the images to a common reference (20 parameters) Training set (2500 images) Divide the image into disjoint 15-by-15 patches. For each compute mean and dictionary Per each patch find the operating parameters (number of atoms L, quantization Q) Warp, remove the mean from each patch, sparse code using L atoms, apply Q, and dewarp On the test image Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Compression Results Results for 820 Bytes per each file 11.99 10.83 10.93 10.49 8.92 8.71 8.81 7.89 8.61 5.56 4.82 5.58 Results for 820 Bytes per each file Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Compression Results Results for 550 Bytes per each file 15.81 14.67 15.30 13.89 12.41 12.57 10.66 9.44 10.27 6.60 5.49 6.36 Results for 550 Bytes per each file Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
? Compression Results Results for 400 Bytes per each file 18.62 16.12 16.81 12.30 11.38 12.54 7.61 6.31 7.20 Results for 400 Bytes per each file Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
Today We Have Discussed 1. A Visit to Sparseland Motivating Sparsity & Overcompleteness 2. Problem 1: Transforms & Regularizations How & why should this work? 3. Problem 2: What About D? The quest for the origin of signals 4. Problem 3: Applications Image filling in, denoising, separation, compression, … Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
There are difficulties in using them! Summary Sparsity and Over- completeness are important ideas. Can be used in designing better tools in signal/image processing There are difficulties in using them! This is an on-going work: Deepening our theoretical understanding, Speedup of pursuit methods, Training the dictionary, Demonstrating applications, … The dream? Future transforms and regularizations should be data-driven, non-linear, overcomplete, and promoting sparsity. Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing
More information, including these slides, can be found in my web-page Thank You for Your Time More information, including these slides, can be found in my web-page THE END !! Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and Its Role in Image Processing